August 13, 2008

Never look away...

Anyone who has children knows there are times when you think you can leave your little angels alone so that you can take care of some business. Whatever it is will only take a minute, really what kind of trouble can they get into in such a short amount of time.

Well here are two GOOOOD examples we experienced first hand this weekend.

Saturday, my two youngest were playing quietly in the playroom. A little too quiet if you know what I mean. We don't know which one, but one of them decided to unzip two of the bean bags and create a summer blizzard. They had a ball but WHAT.A.MESS!

Then Sunday, we THOUGHT Abby was just watching TV in the den. As I entered the room she looked at me and said, "sorry!" I looked in horror to see she had taken a not so Magic Marker and colored her legs, feet and hands with it. After a lot of scrubbing we were not able to get it all off. The pictures you see are what's left of what she did. The original art work was much, much worse.

The little stinker wasn't sorry at all. In fact, she was quite pleased with herself.


Time Traveller said...

LOL! that's the first time I've properly chuckled all week! :)

I might go home and colour my hands and legs in tonight.

Gordo said...

Oh, that's awesome! I mean, terrible!

mairead said...

I used to do that with my bean bags all the time when I was a kid. Great fun! Would probably still do it now :)

David said...

TT: lol, pictures if you do.

Gordo: grrrr! Better than water huh? It was hard to stay mad at them. :)

Mairead: Ha! Are you the one that had to clean it up? Took us three hours and we're still finding the stuff everywhere.

And, welcome to my blog :D

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is looking a little blue........... (I'll get my coat)

I'm sure a hoover would deal with the majority of the white stuff.

Jen said...


That's the best!!! Especially since it didn't happen at my house. ;)

Your little smurf does look mighty proud of herself!

David said...

Darren: BA BOOM CHA! lol

No the hoover's exhaust made it fly around more. I had to use a shop vac.

Jen: Yeah, I'm happy to have the memory, as long it's a one time memory ;)

lol, the little smurf is a devil with anything that writes.

Daughter of Night said...

I'm sorry, RT. I can't do anything but giggle.

Sometimes I really miss the little monsters. Especially now that they're BIG monsters.


David said...


"Little monsters"

You are only right!