September 14, 2008

Dag gum it!

There has always been a gumball machine where I work. You know the one, glass globe, you put a quarter in the slot, turn the knob and a couple of gum balls come out. I'm not sure who owned the one that's been at our place for years. All I know was someone came, refilled it and took the money. That was until this year. This year no one came to refill the machine so eventually it ran out. It's not that I chew a lot of gum but it was a nice way to get a sugar fix a few times a week.

After several months of no gum, a brand new, shiny candy machine showed up. Full to the top too. Oh did I lose a few quarters that day. Oh happy days are here again. Then I inquired from where did this shiny new machine full of glorious sugar come from? Seems my brother bought it on eBay. Interesting.

The next day I had a hankering for a piece of gum, waltzed right up to the gumball machine... but then a funny thing happened. Just before I plucked my quarter in the slot I kinda resented that it was going to my brother. I quickly shrugged the feeling off. I mean I never cared when a stranger got my quarter. Besides now there was gum and if there isn't, I know who to see.

Still, every time since, when I go to place my quarter in the slot, I get that same damn feeling. I really don't know why either. I don't care if he gets the money. Hell, I'd give it to him if he wanted it. Is it because he thought of the idea and I didn't? Am I jealous? I don't think I am. Maybe it just upset me that he didn't include me in his little venture when we've been partners in everything else concerning business. But, seriously it's a gumball machine, not a business. I really don't know why I get this stupid feeling.

I do know I don't like the feeling but I can't shake it completely. Every time I go to get some gum I get it again and quite frankly it's ruining my whole gum chewing experience. WTF?!


Time Traveller said...

LOLOLOLOL! this is the funiest thing I've read in a while :')

'Oh happy days are here again'

'frankly it's ruining my whole gum chewing experience'

'Just before I plucked my quarter in the slot I kinda resented that it was going to my brother.'

That's really bizarre however, this morning I realised I slightly resented my sister for something. I was going to blog about it :|

David said...

So why don't you? :)

And no you're not! I cleaned it right up ;)

Daughter of Night said...


But puzzling too.


I suppose you could empty all his gum and put your own gum in there. Then you'd be supporting your own habit.


I honestly don't know what to say. But great post!