October 17, 2008

Freedom from the press?

I guess Joe the Plumber asked the wrong person the wrong question.

Joe Wurzelbacher just asked Obama a simple question about taxes at a campaign rally. Obama answered him honestly and Joe was respectful. I have no problem with the encounter. I wish we could have seen more encounters like it. I learned something watching it.

Then, during the presidential debate, John McCain used Joe the Plumber as an example to highlight the difference between his tax plan and Obama's. Joe the Plumber wasn't all that important, his situation was.

Unbelievably, (not really) the press and media went after Joe the Plumber like he was a threat to national security. Just like they did with Sarah Palin. It's sad that I've learned more in three days about Joe the Plumber than I've learned in 20 months about Barack Obama.

This situation should scare people. Why did the press rush to dig up every bit of dirt they could on this guy and drag his name through the mud? Why did the press feel it was their job to tear down and expose this citizen, to protect Obama, simply for asking a question? Is that where we're headed? Making people scared to ask a question of a candidate out of fear that they will be publicly humiliated. It sounds like something you would expect to hear from a place like North Korea or Iran, not America.

I've been blathering for some time about how dishonest the press has been during this election. I'm irritated because I don't think the press and the media should decide who we elect, still don't, but this truly scares me. I mean if a hard working plumber like Joe can cause such a harsh and angry reaction from the press, by asking simple questions, what would happen if say... they found out about my blog?

Shhhhhh... I'll be quiet before they hear me.


Time Traveller said...

I was watching your news when I was in Vegas (just before a hard days gambling) ... is it me or is Obama a bit of an anomaly? Palin for all her faults, seemed to have some sort of personality. There's something about Obama that makes me feel cold. Sorry - this is nothing really to do with your post. It's just something thats been bothering me.

David said...

How did Vegas go? Didn't have to pawn anything to get out did ya? lol

Your comment does have to do with my post. It goes to the heart of it. We don't know who the real Obama is because the press hasn't done their job. We only know the Obama he wants us to see. I think he's very calculating about the image he projects to the world. It seems very scripted, cold as you say. The press is suppose to let us know who he really is, they haven't. His voting record screams that he's an ultra liberal. I have yet to hear anything he's accomplished on his own in politics or life that would lead me to believe he is presidential material. Where has he been tested or proven???? They claim he's for change but all his ideas come straight out of the liberal handbook. And, who and what does he owe for all this big money he's been getting? The press is suppose to paint a true, honest clear picture and they haven't, which I think you've picked up on. From everything I've seen it's been his life's goal to become president, not a calling or a service. Sarah Palin on the other hand jumped in to politics because she saw something wrong and wanted to fix it. She doesn't care about her image as much as correcting things she disagrees with. her record shows that. She became governor of Alaska because she thought the people in her own party were corrupt. She challenged them and beat them. That's being tested and proven.

So that's my point, the press has helped Obama by hiding his flaws, inexperience and real agenda and gone after those who challenge him. If he such a great leader why do they need to help him so much? I just want it to be fair.

Sorry about the long rant. ;)

Time Traveller said...

So it's not just me then :)

Isn't one of his problems that there isn't anything to expose? As you say his ambition was/is to be president. THAT was his agenda from day 1, so he has made sure there are no skeletons in the closet for the press to find. (You know his ex brother in law lives no far from me, he went to the stag do and left very quickly when the stripper arrived)

Although it appears he is so careful about appeasing everyone, he doesn't seem to have a stand. Is that true?

How does he feel about immigration?

What exactly are these 'changes' he keeps talking about?

Time Traveller said...

oh vegas - no they didn't have to pawn anything to get me out ... I spent most of it on shopping :)

David said...

I don't want him exposed, I just want to know the truth. I don't care about his personal life unless it has some bearing on his political life.

He says he stands for the middle class but I really have no idea what he stands for because there is very little record to point to anything, no proof. He can't possibly deliver on his campaign promises, yet the press doesn't call him on it. With our deficit we can not afford to pay for all he proposes by only increasing the tax on 5% of the people.

He's playing class warfare to win this election plain and simple. He promises to take money from the rich (top 5%) and give it to everyone else in the form of programs and tax cuts. I call that wealth redistribution or buying votes with other peoples money at the very least.

Some of his tax plans could put a lot of small family owned businesses, like ours, out of business.

Most of our debate on immigration centers on "illegal immigration". Both candidates are for working with the illegal immigrants that are here.


I don't know what his change is about. He's in Washington already, He's a career politician. He votes almost 100% with his own party. As far as I can see he's going to try and do everything ever other liberal has tried to do. *shrug*

Lou said...

From this side of the pond Sarah Pallin looks like just about the last type of person I would want to see in high office, or heaven forbid, running a country. She is inarticulate, has weird ideas about conservation, Russia, censorship... I'm sorry, but she comes off as a brash sort of person who was picked, not for her experience, intelligence or ability, but for her looks and appeal as a female candidate. As witnessed by the party spending, what was it, $150,000 on a new wardrobe for her? $150,000?! And she talks about Hockey moms?

I didn't think Obama was cold, but then, he doesn't speak like Pallin or McCain, or Bush for that matter, he doesn't seem to use as much overblown emotional language as I associate with them. He doesn't talk like he's in a film basically. He comes across to me as someone who is interested in equality and fairness and reform and it's very obvious to me from listening to him that he's a lot more intelligent, balanced and articulate than McCain, who, in the debates I've seen, doesn't answer questions on topic and fails to listen to what Obama says - which is a mark to me of someone who cannot process data correctly, has simplistic views that are incompatible with the more complex ideas Obama was expressing, or wants to avoid the issue or pretend the other person didn't say what they did. Obviously, I wouldn't have much respect for someone I see doing this. I particularly wouldn't like to see someone like this running an already hurt and financially unstable country and one who has a war in the middle east to deal with also.

Having said that, I don't think McCain is anywhere near as bad as Bush. But Time Traveller - having 'personality' does not a vice-president make.

I'm really sorry RT, if I'm out of place saying this, but these are my observations from the things that have filtered down to me through my media's reporting.

I just looked through this page and I recognised most of the ideas from things said in the debates and in coverage over here. Also from my reading up on the two candidates online (Wikipedia etc.)


David said...

:) Don't be sorry Lou. Your opinion is just as valid as anyones. I'm happy you shared it. It's welcomed here.

The problem I'm having is not with Obama. He's a smart guy. If most of the country wants him, hey, that's how it works. If he's elected I hope he does the country a good job.

The problem is with our press. I see them as the referees of the contest. They are suppose to keep things fair. They have failed miserably to do that.

I didn't think Palin was a great pick either but she has more experience than Obama and that should be at the heart of our debate. Experience.

The big question of the contest should have been what qualifies OBAMA to be president. We all know McCain. He has a record we can look at. Obama doesn't. The press shouldn't be talking about how much was spent on Palin's clothes. That's ridiculous! How much was spent on the stage sets at both conventions? Millions for a one night event.

Here are the questions I wanted answered but the press would rather attack people who threaten Obama than report facts.

McCain, Biden and Palin all have records we can look at and see that they've been tested and how they will react. They are proven leaders. (even if you don't agree with their politics)

I've asked Obama supporters to please tell me where and how Obama has been proven and tested? They can't. As far as I can tell there is nothing in his background that says he's qualified to be president. Shouldn't we know after two years of him running for office what qualifies him to be president?????

*sigh* but instead the press focuses on Palin's clothes, whether McCain smiled during the debate and if 'Joe the plumber' paid his taxes. Very, very sad.

Daughter of Night said...

If you'd like to know more about Barack Obama and his agenda - not that's it's going to matter at this point because he knows exactly how to manipulate this sound-bite society - you can read his books. I believe he's written two, perhaps three.

If people spent less time watching TV and more time reading, they might be terrified enough to actually try to take our Country back.

Jen said...

I'm not gonna voice my opinion here, but I will say, I'm gonna out your blog unless you buy me off!!


David said...

Daughter: :) Oh, I'm very aware of his agenda. But, I fear I'm one of the few that actually look deeper than the little sound bites the dishonest press gives us each day.

A friend of mine said, after I pressed him about qualifications, that Obama may not have anything on his resume that qualifies him to be president but he is for change and the country needs a new direction right now. I told him to put water in his car's gas tank instead of gas. That's change too. It's good for the environment and cheaper. Of course the car won't run, you won't get anywhere and the car will need repairing but it is change, right? *double sigh*

Jen: LOL!! When Obama's elected I won't have any money to pay you off with. ;)

Jen said...

Yeah but if he isn't elected, I won't be around to collect the money. I'll be in Canada avoiding the new regime.

Lou said...

Rt, I know I'm coming back to this again a bit late in the day, but I've found myself thinking about this a lot since I commented. I'm really fascinated to know what you and Daughter perceive as his hidden agenda, as per your conversation above. Is it like what I've heard some republicans say on the tv, something to do with him bringing in socialism, or is there something more? I've looked at the synopsis of some of his books on Amazon (can't get my hands on them physically for the time being), but it's your interpretation that I'm really interested in. Our media is pro Obama (because , put simply, a lot of people over here see the Republican method as one which favours the rich and which has messed the world up pretty badly over the decades, particularly since Bush)(I'm sure there are similar arguments to be made against the democrats), so, I'm fascinated to hear what someone from the 'grassroots' as they say, thinks is really going on with Obama.

David said...

No problem Lou, I'm happy to see you want some information. I can't speak for Daughter but for me, because the press didn't do its job, all I can do is look back at Obama's past record and associations and then apply some common sense.

My opinion of Obama - He's an intelligent guy that has the goal of being president. There is nothing wrong with that. I honestly believe he thinks he can help this country. But, he knows he has to be elected first and he also knows he can't get elected if he's open and honest about his agenda. He seems to have the same "THE END WILL JUSTIFY THE MEANS" mentality most politicians have.

His past is peppered with associations that are extremely questionable. Tony Rezko (convicted criminal), Bill Ayers (domestic terrorist), Rashid Khalidi (PLO spokesman). These are people that have influenced Obama and helped further his career.

Let me make this clear, Obama is for socialism. His tax plan takes money from hard working people and distributes it to people who may not even want to work. For the record, according to Obama, I will get a tax break. So I'm not saying this because I'm going to take a personal hit. The rich people he keeps referring to is people like "Joe the Plumber' and a lot of other people that put in a lot of hours to EARN their money. Disassociating the word rich from working is dishonest at best. Most rich people are hard working. That's class warfare pure and simple. He is promising the majority that he will take something that isn't his and give it to them for their vote.

His agenda is to grow government, let the politicians decide what's best for the people, and in his own words "spread the wealth around". That is socialism in my opinion and most people's opinion. America is suppose to be a place that gives every person the opportunity to succeed but it doesn't promise success. That you have to achieve on your own and you shouldn't be punished if you accomplish it.

I could go on and on about Obama but the truth is we don't know enough about this guy. We don't know the level of influence people have had in his life, like the Marxist professors he said he sought out in college, and his true agenda about what he thinks the role of government should be. We know what he says but he doesn't have a record to check it by.

McCain wouldn't be high on my list of candidates but at least I know his record, he's paid his dues and he has served this country and paid a high price for that service. Despite what the press has said he is nothing like Bush. In fact, he has always been a thorn in Bushes side. He has a record of working with both sides for the people not his party. The best thing about McCain is that he would probably only be in office for four years and then we could pick again. By that time maybe we can get some better answers and a record from Obama.

Did I answer your question? It's a complicated subject. Ask again if I didn't. Hopefully Daughter will share her thoughts too.

Jen: I voted yesterday. :) I have a feeling my vote will cancel out yours :p lol

Lou said...

RT, huge apologies that I'm only saying thank you for this now. I haven't been reading my blogs regularly over the past week or two - but anyway, heartfelt thanks for taking the time to write that. It clarified your perspective for me greatly :) and I found it a very useful insight.