October 27, 2008

More Haters to Hate

Today it was announced that two neo-nazi skinheads were caught planning to assassinate Barrack Obama and kill another 102 black people. Now I've seen some pretty hateful stuff during this election campaign but this is pure evil. I can't even begin to understand how these people think. I don't want to try to either.

It only goes to remind me that I share this world with some sick animals out there disguised as humans. Seriously, they were going to kill a man because he was black and dared to reach for the highest position in this country. Who made these bastards the judge of who is allowed to run for office? Who gave them the right to decide who I can and who I CAN'T vote for? What have they accomplished that gives them such wisdom and power???? Nothing. But, I doubt they have the capacity to think past their hate.

Living in the deep south, as one might expect, I know a few racist. Not as many as you would think but they are here. They come in all colors and ethnic groups. No one race has the market cornered on stupidity and hate. Yet it somehow surprises me everytime I meet one.

For the record, I don't condone it. The other day, a person, who thought because I was white, spoke openly about voting for McCain. I agreed that I thought McCain would be a more experienced choice. Then, this person informed me that they weren't voting for McCain because of his politics but because Obama was black. I shook my head and asked if that was the only reason? They assured me it was. I told this person that they should vote for Obama. I meant it too. If the only reason Obama will lose this election is because of the color of his skin then I hope he wins.

Politics should be about electing the best people into office to represent us. People that share our vision of the direction this country should go. What in the hell does a person's skin color have to do with that?!!! Nothing of course but the haters will never get that because they are evil twisted and sick. The haters hate this world more than they love themselves and that type of person is dangerous, to all of us.


Time Traveller said...

Two points.

1. Isn't Obama half white? :)
2. Aren't some black people voting for him because he is 'black'?

David said...

Yes, he is half white but is considered black.

Yes, there are a lot of people (black & white) voting for him just because he's black. Some because they want to see someone like themselves in the White House and others just to be part of history.

I did write a paragraph about how it is just as racist to vote for someone because of their color but I didn't want it to look like I was justifying what these bastards were going to do so I deleted it.

Daughter of Night said...

I work with a lot of people who are part of smaller groups within a larger community of white supremacy.

Being young and rather misguided, most of them don't know why they are supposed to hate certain groups of people. Some of them grew up with racism in their households. Some of them feel slighted by special interest programs and money. Some of them subscribe to portions of certain philosophies without taking the writings as a whole. Some of them just want a place to belong and are angry because they don't belong anywhere else or are too lazy to put in the effort that belonging would require (ie, sports, etc). Some just want an excuse to hurt people.

I tell them all the same thing: I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong. I'm not going to tell you that you're right. I'm not going to judge you for your beliefs, but I WILL judge your actions. If you want to change the world, go to college. Write a book, do the talk show circuit, influence people with your logic and cohesive arguments. You could be the most brilliant political figure since Jesus of Nazareth, but no one is going to take you seriously while you're sitting in a jail cell covered with swastika and SS bolt tattoos.

David said...

Amen sister! Oh, I mean Daughter ;)

I like getting the inside information. Very interesting perspective.