September 24, 2009

Cockadoodle doo

The other day, while in the shower, I heard a rooster crowing and crowing and crowing.... It was very loud considering I was on the second floor with the water running. It was very odd considering I don't own a rooster. When I headed out to go to work two roosters were coming down my neighbors drive. He doesn't own roosters either. We have no idea who's they are or why they have picked our house to settle in at.

For the last two days these guys have been literately circling our house. I now know how Custard must have felt. The Wife is terrified of them for some reason. Something about their beady eyes and tag teaming her on a flanking, all out pecking attack.

Now, we have another decision to make. Keep the roosters, get some chickens and have fresh eggs. hope they find their way to the pond so the gator can have a special feast or try to shoo them home. Wherever that is. Funny thing about roosters, ha ha grrr, they don't just crow in the morning. No, they crow Did I mention how loud they are?

This is a picture of my pond looking back at my house. It's here because I loaded the wrong picture but I like it, so I left it.


Jen said...

I'm with The Wife, I hate chickens. They are THE Antichrist of animals as far as I'm concerned. Anything that will chase you down AFTER you behead them, is just plain evil.
I say you should gently heard them towards the pond and hope they don't peck the poor gator's eyes out.


I like the picture too! I'm glad you left it up.

Jen said...

Um, you should HERD them instead.

Daughter of Night said...

Roosters are to me what Kryptonite is to Superman.

They're loud. They're obnoxious. They're little balls of pure testosterone and they think they are MUCH larger then they are. They'll pretend to be all domesticated when you're looking at them and then run up behind you for a sneak attack while you're walking back to the house. My mother takes the roosters to the neighbors every time I visit because she knows I will happily shoot each and every one of them. Did I mention they're loud?

But you know all that already, I bet.

Fresh eggs: good deal. IF, and only IF you want to deal with the frenetic flurries of brutish testosterone that are those seemingly innocent roosters.

Otherwise, I'm with Jen. Who needs a Mama Alligator when you have roosters?????????

Time Traveller said...

Cute :)

I went to a zoo a few weeks ago and they had cockerels. They are LOUD and pretty irritating after ooo about 2 minutes.

Maybe you can eat them?