November 14, 2008

At 5:00 yesterday morning, I was sneaking out of the house for a business trip. Out of a dark hall I heard a voice ask "Daddy, what's going on?"

I saw my two sons heading towards me half asleep. I asked them why they were up and then in an eerie, monotone voice my oldest said, "when we see light, we go to it."

WTF does that mean?! Are they moths? Are they 'children of the corn' or 'Poltergeist kids'? It felt like a scene from The Shining... redrum, redrum...

Children creep me out sometimes.


Time Traveller said...

LOLOL! When 'WE' see light. Did they say it in unison also?

Weirdly I was thinking about Children of the Corn this morning ... the plot thickens. :|

David said...

Just my oldest said it but his little shadow was right behind him. Their room was a long way from the light. Creepy little kids!

Jen said...

Mike came stumbling into my room once at probably 3 in the morning. He had his arms stretched out, and was
groaning like a zombie.

I suffered severe trauma. *SCREETCH*

I called his name a couple of times and he didn't answer me. He just kept groaning. Like a zombie.

It was awful.
I'm not above decapitating my love ones in a zombie invasion but boy is it scary when the moment is upon you!

David said...


Family zombie attacks are always awkward but if you really love them you have to take them out.

That's the way I'd want it anyway. *sigh*

Jen said...

Hell yeah, me too!!

A family that decapitates together, stays together!

Daughter of Night said...

I firmly believe that children are connected to the energy of the Universe in a zillion ways. I know for a fact that my youngest used to speak to my grandfather on a regular basis, my grandfather who died long before she was born. My sister was strangely precognizant in her sleepwalking spells and was otherwise totally creepy while under the spell of sleep or half-sleep. My eldest daughter named her dolls by attributes that dolls don't have.

Kids are creepy because something about puberty steals our imagination, the very thing that allows our connection with All That Is. We've forgotten how to be on those wavelengths, have those conversations, state those simple truths.

"When we see light, we go to it." Sounds like good news to me.

David said...

I try not to think about stuff like are dead people among us? It freaks me out to think dead people might be WATCHING us. If I even think about it for a minute the thought of my dead cousin watching The Wife and I in the bedroom pops into my head. GROSSSS!!!

I'll just bury my head in the sand on this subject ... thank you very much. :)