December 08, 2006

Abortion (he'd better not go there)

My thoughts on abortion.

My thoughts on abortion are some what tied to my views on women's lib.

I am pro choice!

I believe that as long as a woman has a choice to have sex she should not have the choice to have an abortion. That means that if she is raped or has incest (that can't be a choice) she should have the right to abort. The only exception to this should be if the mothers health is severely threatened or if the baby will be born to a certain death or will have no quality of life.

It's a woman's body so a man has no say, some have said. Well I disagree. When a woman allows a man to deposit part of his body in her, her womb becomes more than just her.

But if we go with the laws of today they are totally unfair. Men have no say if a woman has an abortion or not. If she decides to have the baby he is obligated for child support by law but if she decides to abort he can do nothing. The fair thing would be, since abortion is legal, that if a man wants the woman to have an abortion and she doesn't he is not obligated for the child. I know that sounds cold but so does a man wanting a child but the mother aborts the baby against his wishes.

Adoption is always an option unless abortion is being used as birth control.


Daughter of Night said...

I really, really, REALLY want to comment on this post, but am struggling with what I want to impart. I suppose I really just want to say that it was courageous of you to post this. I think I also want to say that I appreciate your compassion for the men who seemingly have no choice. There's more - a LOT more - but it's visceral now and difficult to separate. ;-)

David said...

Thank you, I know a lot of people feel men have no dog in this fight but I obviously disagree. Wouldn't that be like saying women have no right to comment about war because they don't serve in combat roles?

Say what you think or feel. The more points of view I hear the better chance I have of coming to a well rounded conclusion. I'm open to change and/or debate.

Daughter of Night said...

First off, I know what you meant but I serve in a combat role every single day. Lots of women do.

It's going to take me a bit of thinking to get to something cogent. Of course my first reaction is gynocentric, so I have to think on it to be fair. :-)