December 27, 2006

Big Ass Rant On The Way

If you want me to help you just ask. I might not do it that minute or even that day but I will do it. I always do. If it's not a F**KN' emergency don't expect me to cancel my plans and stop everything to make your little whims a reality. I have a life believe it or not. While we're on the subject if you do need my help I am more than willing to assist you with whatever you need or to take the lead and get the job done. What I'm not capable of doing is taking the lead and have someone supervise me. Either we do it your way and I help or tell me what you need and get the hell out of the way! The following is an example of a typical conversation that takes place in my life every day.

Hey can you come over and set up the new TV I got?

Well I'm going to the gym tonight I'll come by and do it tomorrow, ok?

Well I really wanted it tonight because it's in the way.

I would come after the gym but I want to see the kids before they go to bed.

Couldn't you go to the gym tomorrow instead?

I could but my lift partners will be there tonight (why do I have to justify this?)

Couldn't you leave early or put the kids to bed then come over? (oh no, don't let me of the hook easy)

This is the part where I cave in and do it. It's not that he didn't have a TV it's that he got a new one and wanted it NOW. So I go do it and I'm questioned every step of the way if I'm doing it right. Then later that night I get a call about how the thing isn't working. Like I got some kind of damn warranty on the help I give people. So I spend another 30 minutes on the phone teaching them how to use their remote. Ever done that? No fun at all.

So this is my life. Working 50 + hours a week and a list of favors to do for everyone. I don't mind doing them, honestly. I even like being the go to guy but damn it's a favor and that means you might have to wait for it to be convenient for me. Gasp! I swear I don't feel like my time is my own. Sometimes I'm not even sure my life is.


Jen said...

Your life is never your own.
Sucks when people make demands on your time and then want you to do everything the way they want it done.
Maybe you should just not answer the phone. It wouldn't work, but you could always try.

Ricardo Almeida said...


Don't know if it helps but here goes: if you say YES to the first time, you'll never "get hands" on people.

Unfortunately, I have started my carreer saying Yes to everything. I realize that no one gives the right value and assume it like an obligation.

So, we have to say No, sometimes (but I know it's dificult... because we need money to survive...)

Dam life!

I wish you a better year (2007).

Best regards.


Anonymous said...

Very true. I hate to say no but sometimes my yes is not when they need it. That should be a clue for them to ask someone else. They never do.