December 19, 2006

The fall of mankind, womens lib

I know by writing this I am taking my life into my own hands and I may face great danger if this does not come out the way I plan. I am capable of changing my opinion if a reasonable argument is presented. All I ask is that you be gentle.

I believe with all my heart that the women's movement of the 60's and 70's has ruined mankind. I do believe that women deserve equal rights and I am all for equality in everything. The problem is that I believe up until then women had a higher moral standard than men. In other words women were the better of the two sexes to start with. While the women's lib movement may have made both sexes equal I believe it didn't raise women up to men's level, in fact it lowered them down to men's level.

I think our equality comes from the different strengths both sexes bring to the world. Woman had always demanded respect and commitment to enter into a relationship. The high standards that women had bound families together. Made men civil. Because of men's deep desire to be with a women, he had to accept the women's terms to fill his desires. If left to his own he would roam from women to women with no sense of commitment or responsibility.

Since the 60's society has declined because women were promised they could have it all just like men. The problem was men didn't have it all. Men couldn't sleep with whoever he wanted or make children and walk away. Now he can. Women were the dam that contained the men but now that women want be the water too there is nothing left to hold it all in and water always runs downhill. Now the water flows in all directions with no boundaries.

It was once said that if women ran the world there would be no wars but now we know women are just as capable of war, hate, violence and evil as men are. Yes women can be anything a man can be so now we have women soldiers, gang members and serial killers.

Adam ate the forbidden fruit from Eve. I think men have returned the favor by making power and position look so appealing. Now that women have taken the bite there is no turning back, the damage is done. When I hear about preteen girls giving boys oral sex as casually as they would give him a kiss I'm convinced that this is not the equality women were looking for.

For thousands of years women have told men that family is the most important thing there is but now it's the women ditching the family in pursuit of power and self-fulfillment. The water flows freely now and it's easy to find a direction to leave. Society doesn't care. There is no more stigma attached. The glue that once held us together as women and men has been diluted by money and power and selfishness.

Men have always been dogs, now women are learning to bark and bite as well.

That being said I am ready to duck, so fire away.


Jen said...

No ducking necessary. I completely agree.

I think women's lib makes it harder for us as families to survive. Back in the day it was possible to live on a single income and have the mom at home to raise the kids, and keep the house. Now it takes two incomes (and often more) to even scrape by, and kids are (often) raised by daycares, schools, and extended family.

I would rather not have to work my ass of just to stay above water, but stay at home baking bread and beinging proud when people complimented me on how clean my kitchen is.
I would like to be able to raise my son differently, alas my equality dictates that I get out there with the men and pull my weight.

Anonymous said...

I would love to stay home and bake and go to the gym and look after the kids (not that I have any) but I am worried about what would happen if my husband (not that I have one) decided he wanted to trade me for a younger model when I'm 35? What then? I have no money, no income, no work experience, no man. I have to work to support myself, 'my' future.

Women's lib might be attributed to the breakdown of family values but it can't be blamed. In this instance prevention is not better than a cure. Womens impowerment should be embraced and not blamed. We have to find a happy medium. :)

thats my two euros worth.


David said...

I'm glade I said it and lived to tell about it. I still want to make it clear that I am all for women being equal and having the same pay and opportunity as men. I just think the way it worked out is wrong.

My proof is in both of your answers.

Jen wants to be a stay at home mom but feels that if her family doesn't live at a certain level it will be perceived that she is lazy, or unintelligent, or incapable, when in fact, she is doing the most important and probably hardest job there is, raising a child.

Emily has prepared herself to never be dependent on a man. That does sound like my sister. I am totally dependent on my wife. I'll admit it. I wouldn't be able have the important things in life with out her. Does that make me weak? Isn't that what marriage is about? Finding someone you trust with your life and the life of your children? Not having to worry that they might leave when things don't work out the way we want them too. For better or worse. My sister is so scared that someone will think that she can't make it on her own, she is willing to forsake everything to prove them wrong and 'them' don't even exist. I just don't think that makes us equal. As a matter of fact it just makes me sad.

And I will take your two euros because they're worth more than my dollars :)

And yes, I'm still ducking :)

Anonymous said...

Jen wants to be a stay at home mom, but the thing standing in the way is the inability to stay afloat in a world that requires more and more money to survive. I could care less what people really think of me, but I'd like to not be dead broke too.

Daughter of Night said...

Thanks for your comment and for recognizing the similarities - and inherent dangers - in our theories!!

Some modern social scientists have written extensively about the detriment of the "Equality Era" to the American Family. Consider this: the fight for "equality" in the workplace led to a collective consciousness of sexual freedom and equality as well... which led to the development of effective birth control... which led to extensive premarital sex (of course this is terribly oversimplified). The result? Women,refusing to recognize the power they held over society AS A WHOLE relinquished the power they wielded to mold morality in trade for "sexual equality." And there's no going back.

You've given me a fabulous idea for another writing... if I can find the time (ha ha!!) Thanks again for sharing your thoughts... and Happy New Year!!

May it be blessed.

David said...

I agree. Now we have to figure out how to put the lid back on the box for both sexes.

Blog away fellow blogger, I'll look forward to your post.

May I ask what profession you're in?

Daughter of Night said...

"Lid on the box" is an effective idiom. Well stated! :-)

I'm a trained spin doctor (degree in Philosophy) employed in law enforcement (the perfect job for the unmedicated ADHD). :-) My blog is my little self-indulgence. :-)

David said...

That's interesting, how does law enforcement allow you to use your degree in Philosophy?

Daughter of Night said...

I write a lot of reports!!!! :-)

Rebekah said...

I agree 100% with you, in fact this is a topic my husband and I talk about a lot. People think "equal" means "same" and our families, our children, our selves are suffering for it. Hmm, now an idea for a post of my own is percolating...

I like your writting style and am planning to check here more often.

And thanks for visiting my blog (50's housewife?), just wanted to post here because I changed it a little (didn't think anyone was reading, oops).