December 13, 2006

I am dying of a disease, old age

I've been fighting this thing called old age for a long time. I have always been active and enjoyed being in shape. I love to go to the gym and the harder the lift the more I love it. The problem is at some point I will have to slow down. I don't want to but I can't keep this up forever. I have bad knees, I've torn my rotator cuff, my elbows feel like they're on fire.

Can it be possible at age 38 I've topped the hill and I am on my way down? I can't see myself on a treadmill all the time and lifting weights without maximum effort is no fun. I already get pissed off when I see these young guys throwing up weight I use to do with no problem. They think us old timers should look up to them, they have no idea we've 'been there done that'. I was probably the same way at their age.

The benefits for my children are tremendous. Being an older dad I feel like I need to be able to do what their friends dads can do. Most are about 8 to 10 years younger than me. Of course I want my kids to be proud of me. So I keep pushing.

I don't want to stop lifting, I don't want to slow down, I don't want to be old.

I am dying of a disease, old age, and I hope it wins.


Jen said...

Not to down play your whole post or anything, but nice picture!!! Cute kid. More pictures. *stomp stomp*

David said...

That's not a picture of my office but it's close. What makes you think that's a picture of me?

Jen said...

Did you find a picture of a guy that looks like he's in good shape, with a kid who's about the same age as yours to post a picture of on your blog?
Even if it's not a picture of you, post more.
I like looking through pictures.

David said...

Yes, It is me and thanks, my kid is cute :)

Anonymous said...

More pictures! more pictures! with faces! Aww common dont' be shy.


David said...

:)we'll see about more pictures but I must warn you I can work on the body but God stuck me with the face.

Jen said...

Kicking the ball around with them is such a blast at that age.
Mine is into reading now. He likes having his nose stuck in a book more then anything else.
That's fun too though. I know I've already said it but Cute Kid!

David said...

That book will take him farther than that ball. Good for him! I can't keep mine off the computer games.

Feeling better today?

Jen said...

No, but the cleaning is really really getting done, so that's something.

Mike really likes computer games too. He plays a lot of Baulders Gate, and Diablo, but we read in the evening. We're reading The Hobbit now. I'm relieved he likes it to the extent that he does since James and I are both avid readers. It's nice to be able to share that with Mike too.