December 30, 2006

My son told me a joke today

I just had a complete conversation with my three year old son. He told me he wanted some more popcorn then wanted the candy I was eating. I okayed the popcorn but the candy was mine. He whimpered a bit but understood what I was saying. Then he tried to tell me a knock knock joke. It was pretty funny too. Knock knock. Who's there? Who. Who who? Are you a owl? Then he laughed.

This may not seem like much to most people but it almost makes me cry. You see, my son has been diagnosed with autism. We had noticed he didn't talk nor did he understand basic commands by the age of two. We knew something was wrong but didn't know what. After many test a doctor told us he was autistic. I didn't believe it then and I don't now. There is something wrong and I wish I knew what it was so we could work on it but I don't believe it's autism.

If you've ever been around an autistic child there are few things you notice. They don't see you. They have blank look on their face. No sense of humor, no imagination, no signs of affection and loves routine. None of these traits describe my son. He's the most affectioned, sympathetic child I know. He can already start our computer put in the CD he wants, starts the game he wants and plays fairly well. I know I'm a bias parent but the kids got charm.

I'm scared for the life that's ahead of him. Life is hard enough without starting with one strike against you. His condition really doesn't effect me, I rarely notice it but I have to worry how it will effect him now and later.

My son told me a knock knock joke today and it almost made me cry.


Jen said...

It was a good knock knock joke too! That's a bonus.
If you don't think it's autism what do you think it is?

David said...

It may be auditory processing. He can hear but the nerve that brings the sound to the brain can't processes it correctly. Still guessing. It's funny because we begged the doctors to tell us something and when they did I don't except it. But he's my child and my responsibility and I have to do what I thinks right.

Jen said...

I agree. If you don't feel like you've gotten to the right answer it's your right to keep looking. Are you guys still trying different doctors?

David said...

No, we have him in a special school 3 days a week and regular school 2 days a week. He' doing very good in both. He's still young so it's hard to know what is because of his age and what isn't.

Anonymous said...

It's always scary when your kids are sick. Not being able to crawl into their head and take away the pain/confusion/fear. It's enough to make you go grey!

Daughter of Night said...

I am touched by your devotion to what's right for your son.

"Autism" as a diagnosis leaves something to be desired and I, also, encourage you to get a second, third, fourth, etc. opinion. There are many types of autism and your doctor has done you a disservice by throwing the word out there with no further qualification.

Have you researched Asperger Syndrome?

David said...

Thank you, I do love him.
Everything we read tells us an early diagnosis is best. Then we have to beg the doctors to take us seriously. We are on our 5Th pediatrician because of this. Our current one said to wait but he did send us to a neurologist because we wouldn't let it go. The doctor who diagnosed him said that autism is a big spectrum that many things get thrown into. What? When I asked him what we need to do from here he informed me that they usually don't catch it this early and we would have to wait to see how sever it is. Again what? Why is early diagnosis important just to do nothing?
We have researched Asperger Syndrome but again out of about twelve symptoms he may have two. I could say the same about my 6 year old and he's fine. Again thank you for your concern.