December 03, 2006

Old Friends, No Friends

We took our normal weekend trip to Walmart this weekend and as we were going in I passed a friend from high school. I had not seen him in twenty years but I recognized him immediately and I'm pretty sure he recognized me. The funny thing was we passed with in five feet of each other and never said a word. He was with his family and I was with mine and I really didn't have anything to say to him.

As we strolled through Walmart I thought of him and how well I use to know him. We weren't best friends but we did spend hours a day together for four years. I know things about him that he wouldn't want his mother to know and that would curl his wife's hair. I certainly wouldn't want him to write a book about me.

He was always a great guy but today, Nothin'. I had no desire to talk to him at all and he me. I find it odd that I go on the Internet to interact with strangers but pass up on a old friend. I let people come and go out of my life with out a fight yet I love to get a damn email. I really don't understand us humans.


Jen said...

You are where you need to be when you need to be there.
You've found a strange to talk to because that's what you needed to do right then. And you've let an old friend go because you've said all that you had to say when he was there.
The man he is now isn't the friend you use to have, that's why you don't have anything to say to eachother because you are also strangers. It amkes me frown when it happens to me...

Or that's my best guess anyways.

David said...

True, but it is sad isn't it? I have forgotten more friends than I now have.

Jen said...

Yes, it is sad. I found a friend from high school recently. I dated her brother for a time, but now I don't remember his name now. I have also forgotten more friends then I now have.