December 16, 2006

A Time To Count My Blessings

Although I bitch and moan all year about the smallest things, life has been good to me. So with the holidays approaching this is a perfect time of year to count my blessings.

I am thankful...

      For my 6 year old son; he is smart, inquisitive, full of energy, polite and funny. He wakes up early every day wanting to experience life. For his ability to charm everyone he meets.

      For my 3 year old son; he is affectionate, caring and has an imagination. For being able to attend regular 3 year old school without any problems and no one seemed to notice. That he has more good days and the bad ones are getting fewer. For the sound of his words I thought I might never hear.

      For my almost 2 year old daughter; for the way she has my heart. For the way she starts dancing at the first sound of music. For the way she gets in my face when I'm trying to watch tv forcing me to pay attention to her. She is happy and stubborn and easy going.

      For the way they greet me when I come home and pile on me whenever they can.

      For my wife who is a great mother. Who some how manages to keep her sanity dealing with three kids all day. Who despite living in a community where working mothers look down on her for choosing to be a stay at home mom never lets it bring her down. For putting up with me which is not an easy job.

      For my prosperity. I may not be the wealthiest man in the world but I need nothing and I want for very little.

      For my health. All my health issues are self inflicted and very minor.

      For the fact that nobody close to me has ever died.

      For the opportunity to raise my children in a good community.

      For having fiends who listen and even some who care.

      For having more than I deserve in life.

For all these things and many more I am truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

:) thats beautiful. You sound like a very caring and gentle man who loves his family more than life itself, for that alone you deserve all the happiness you can get.

Time Traveller said...
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Anonymous said...

... emily.

David said...

Thank you, I owe them more than you know