December 09, 2006

The War

Well I can understand others point of view about the war. I can even respect it. I can't respect people who say get out no matter what. That we caused this and we created it. I don't want to change anyones mind about this. It's a complicated issue that has more to it than stay or leave.

While I believe Iraq may or may not have been the place to make this stand, eventually we will have to make it. If we look at history, Hitler's Nazi party started the same way as these Islamic extremist. If you are not like them you must die. People ignored Hitler because it didn't affect them and by the time it did he was very powerful. That can never happen again.

Now lets look at Iraq. You had a man in power who murdered, raped and stole from his people. People who counted on him for everything. The President thought that these people would welcome a chance at controlling their own lives. I thought they would too. What he didn't count on was the Islamic extremist being willing to kill their own people to keep that from happening. This is the part I don't get. If Saddem killed his people no problem. If the extremist kill their own people no problem but if we kill the people who are killing everybody we are the devil. WTF? Even though the press has only reported the bad it's clear to see that our intentions was to spread democracy though that part of the world. It may be the wrong country but it's against the right people, right now.

What gives us the right you may say? History does. If we do nothing the following will happen almost guaranteed.

    The woman of the middle east will be all but slaves. No rights other than what they are allowed to do by men.

    A handful of people in these countries will be ultra rich while the population all but starve to death

    These countries will acquire nuclear bombs that eventually will be used.

    Our country will never be safe again. As they force millions to bend to their will our chance of keeping them out decreases

    They will break our economy by using oil as a way to inflict economic damage on us

Did we cause this? No. In Africa, in the Darfur region, where we have not been involved, hundred of thousands of people die at the hands of, you guessed it, Islamic extremist . We debate human rights they do not. We try not to kill innocent civilians, they don't care if they do. If one of our soldiers does kill or rape the innocent we prosecute, they celebrate theirs as a hero. We took over Japan and gave it back. We took Germany and gave it back. We don't want Iraq but we do need to confront Islamic extremist and let them know we will not just roll over.

    It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

    Sir Winston Churchill

    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.

    Sir Winston Churchill

    The price of greatness is responsibility.

    Sir Winston Churchill

    One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.

    Sir Winston Churchill


Jen said...

Ohh you got it to work!!

David said...

Yep, I think I was using to many html tags. After you told me to use >br/< it got better.

Jen said...

Right on!!
I'm glad you got it posted. It's a huge pain in the ass when things don't work the way they're suppose too.

Anonymous said...

You're a fan of Sir Winston Churchill I see :)

David said...

If I had one of his brain cells.. well it would be a lonely cell but I would be smarter