April 15, 2007

I'm flipping my lid!

I'm a thoughtful guy. Even though there are three boys using the bathroom and only the wife representing the girls, I always remember to put the seat down. Well almost always, I would say in the last 20 years I may have forgotten on average about once a year. In these same twenty years my wife has never remembered to put the seat up when she was finished, not once.

Well yesterday I forgot to put it down and you would have thought I forgot her birthday. On and on she went about the damn seat. How she has to get up at night and go in the dark. How she could have fallen in. How it's different for men than it is for girls. Blah, blah, blah

I just let it go because as I always say you should pick your battles wisely. I know I can't win this because society has already taken her side. Yes, we live in a seat down kind of world.

I will have my say, none the less, even if it's here on my blog where she won't see it. I'm just that brave of a man.

First if I can remember to put the seat down after I go, why can't she remember to check it before she goes? What's the difference? None, except I wont fall in if I forget, so it seems she has more motivation to get it right than I do.

What if I put the seat and the lid down? Oh, that's ok isn't? Because then she can't say I forgot but she still has to remember to lift the lid before she can go. This is the same amount of effort it takes to put the seat down, actually more. This seems to suggest it's more about control than anything.

Now that the children are using the toilet too, she has to be careful because they leave it up all the time. As a matter of fact if they forget to put it up she goes off on them because of the mess they make. Nothing is said about them leaving the seat up. Double standards if you ask me, totally unfair.

Now in the rare chance that she closes the lid and I go in there at night, I will simply lift the lid and the seat before I go. I will not complain and I will not whine, as a matter of fact I won't even think about it, BECAUSE IT"S NO BIG DEAL, DAMN IT!!!

So please shut up and put a lid on it.


harbinger said...

Been there, had that brawl. I now know that it is international law that the seat must be down. I was guilty as sin, won't leave it up ever again, please don't call the cops, we can work it out. Take it easy.

You would have thought I murdered someone.

Jen said...

I laughed through the whole damn post. My whole household puts the lid down when they exit the bathroom. That way no matter who comes in, the lid has to be lifted. Same amount of work for everyone involved!
What a riot.
Are women really like that?!
I don't care is the seat is up or down cause before I sit I ALWAYS check.
It's your personal responsibilty to check before you try to sit. No one really cares if your ass gets wet, but you.

Daughter of Night said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Jen!!

This is yet another of the classes I apparently missed when my parents cruelly (ha ha) didn't send me to "Girl School."

When I forget to check (usually in the middle of the night) and fall in, I just laugh at my silly self and my wet ass and move on.

Sorry, man.


David said...

HB: Yeah, we came to a compromise, we're doing it her way.

Jen: I'm glade you laughed because it is funny but this is a real situation, sad to say. Once I got in the habit of not pushing my chair back under the table after dinner and it became this big issue. I guess you never know what will aggravate people.

Daughter: My wife must have gone to girl school more than once :) and taken a lot of notes

Now I have images of women with wet butts, thank you very much, LOL not exactly my fetish ;) but now that I think about it not bad, minus the toilet water of course :)

Freak said...

I can't really say too much because I am a woman and whinge about the same thing. Woman are diffcult yes!

Marianita said...


Funny, whenever I have people over and I find my toilet seat up I make the announcement:

"There is only ONE rule in this apartment and that is DO NOT LEAVE THE TOILET SEAT UP!"

It always sparks the "you should check before you sit" debate. The thing is, I always check. I just don't like having to put down the seat, and I really really enjoy being bossy and demanding.

I guess if I ever fell in the toilet because of a not-replaced toilet seat, I'd be pretty pissed off and grossed out. Toilet water... eeeew

I think you should start putting down the seat and lid like you said. : P

Time Traveller said...

yeah we're never going to agree really. To compromise EVERYONE should leave both lid and seat down.

I hate having to touch the seat :( I usually use tissue to pick up the seat. Anal I know.

The thing about the lid being down too is that you don't know what you're going to get. Living with three builder type men at the moment, the lid is sometimes down, when I lift it I sometimes find nasty surprises :( ew.

David said...

Lindsay: Woman are difficult? Hell yes!!!

Marianita: At least your honest, I guess being a doctor will be perfect for you since you enjoy being bossy and demanding. :)

20 Something: I think the touching of the seat has a lot to do with it. Flush the toilet before you lift the lid, that way no surprises :)

LOL, At least none of you offered the real solution my wife suggest.
She tells me to just sit down for all my business and the problem will be solved. >:(

I laugh at he suggestion Ha, one of the few privileges left to being a man is we can stand up. She also tried to teach my boys to wipe with toilet paper, Hell no, their going to shake just like all other men... Perhaps this is to much information. :)

Time Traveller said...

Shake?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!! nip it in the bud! Now!!!! make them wipe their pee pees!

David said...

See, women have no idea. If a little boys wipes, he will be labeled as weird and get the crap beat out of him. It's a matter of safety if nothing else. lol

I'm raising men at my house! :)

Spiller5 said...

Life is simple really - cant complain if this is one of the biggest arguements a couple can have ;-)

Pathetic isnt it! I CANT STAND it when people (anyone - not just Lindsay) whine about the toilet seat up. Seriously, a couple of points about this ladies:

Firstly, if you want me to put the seat down when I finish then I expect you to put the seat up when you do. If you dont, then I will piss all over it because I tell you now - aim, in the morning is never that good!

Secondly, how much effort does it actually require anyway? JEEE ZUS, if I leave it up - simply extend your arm a foot away from your body and put the damn thing down. End of arguement now shut the fcuk up!

Spiller5 said...

also - another note RT. Teach the boys to wipe!!

Shaking is gross, gets all over the hand and everything. I see people shake and then dont wash... eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww

David said...

The wife and I enjoy our little disagreements. we mostly argue with smiles on our faces. It is nice.

Don't beat around the bush spiller, just say what you think, LOL. Similar thoughts have gone through my head, I must admit :)

As far as the wiping... no way, seriously, a kid could get picked on for that. My kids are fanatics about washing their hands, so I think we're safe.

Marianita said...

I'm all for sitting at home, standing in public.


I mean, little kids... how can they even reach that high?

I think of the nine year old I tutor and how I have to carry him just so he can drink from the water fountains! I'd think it would be physically impossible for him to stand in front of a standard toilet and pee in it, with ease + no spillage.

Maybe I'm way off and toilets aren't actually as high as they look/kids aren't as tiny as they look.

Either way... sit at home, stand in public. Best solution. I mean, it's nearly the same for girls:

Sit at home, "pop a squat" in sketchy, dirty, public bathrooms (ie at bars) where there are 3,467 STDs per toilet seat.

PS- Spiller, has someone been on your case for this? If you really are a spiller, perhaps sitting is a nice alternative for you too??? j/k... please don't curse me out :P

Spiller5 said...

Spiller is just my surname........and try as she might she wont get on my case I'll argue too much about it.....

David said...

LOL Marianita, Seems as you have given this some thought. My four year old won't allow me to go into the stall with him anymore and he is far from old enough to do his business by himself. Not a pretty picture.

My wife does the whole hover thing in public too :)

Good pick up on the spiller word connection, I missed it :p

Spiller: Don't give in, us men have to stick together.