Hidden message?
The wife likes to rent DVDs every now and again. When she does she always picks herself up a chick flick. She knows I don't watch them so she always picks me up some kind of action flick to compensate. The last five times she went to the rental store she grabbed me something a little different. Here is a list of the movies she picked up for me to watch while she enjoyed her girly movies.
Saw = horror and gore
Saw II = horror and gore
Saw 3 = horror and gore
Vacancy = horror and gore
1408 = Horror
The strange thing about this list, I'm no horror movie fan and I'm not a big fan of blood and guts movies either. When I asked why she keeps getting me these extreme movies she just says she thought I would like them. WTF? If she trying to send me a hidden message? If so I'm not getting it. All I'm getting is creeped out.
Maybe she thinks blood and guts is a good substitute for action? Like, "hey, shooting...sawing... what's the diff?"
Being UNGIRLY, I have to say that many women just don't get the appeal of a good action movie - no matter how unbelieveable, how macho, how ridiculously misogynistic (no matter how I spell that word it doesn't look right...) - action movies are just plain old-fashioned fun.
But most women look at them and think, "why???"
So I don't think she's trying to give you some sort of message... I think she just doesn't understand the difference between shoot 'em up and saw 'em up.
I'm with Daughter on this one. I suspect if the wife isn't "into" action movies she probably lumps them all into one category.
I dug all the ones you listed esp. 1408. But I'm a horror fan (gore too I guess.)
And. And. AND!! I LOVE John Cusack!! YUM.
I think she may have read your last post. Wants you to get abusive so that she can shoot you in the back and get away with it.
Or maybe she doesn't know a good action film and just went with what was easy.
LOL! I can just imagine a very confused looking face as she brings home more gory movies - :| 'err thanks honey'.
That's exactly what I thought at first. She doesn't realize SAW is a 'cut em up movie' but after some thought, that's not it.
When she brought me SAW she asked me to let her know when it was over because she didn't want to walk in and see it. She's never said that about an action flick. And get this, after everyone of them she ask me how bloody they are. wtf? She knows! *nod*
Thanks for that thought Darren. Now I have to go unload all the shotguns in the house. Hell if that lady only got 7 months for shooting a preacher, the wife might get a medal for blasting me.
And 20 Something, that's exactly what I say
'err thanks honey but why do you keep renting me these gory movies?'
Her reply every time 'Because you like them :)'
Well then, the answer is obvious RT, you like them!! Duh!
You guys need us to tell you everything!
Maybe she secretly has a fetish for them, but she doesn't yet have the stomach to watch them.
So, she makes you watch them and then give her the details on what she missed.
Seems kinda like a woman thing to do...
LOL - she is prob just crap with picking films! She sounds like me though - I always pick chic flicks. The sad thing is Spiller actually likes the flicks I pick!!! he he
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