October 16, 2007


In my line of work I get to meet a lot of people. Most come and go without making much impact on my life. But every once in a while you meet a customer that stays with you. At first you don't notice that much. Then you start to appreciate their loyalty. As time passes you get to know them. Then when they show up at you business it's not like dealing with a customer at all.

These people become part of your business. You may ask them to answer the phone if you're stuck on a call or give them a key to your gate because they need to pick something up on the weekend. Sometimes they stop by for no reason at all except to hang out and you don't even notice that they aren't there for business.

I have about five or six customers that fit this category. One of them died this past weekend. It's sad but not unexpected. He had been sick for a few months with cancer and he was in his 70s, I will miss him though. He was very old school, hard working and kind hearted. I was surprised to learn he had done three tours of duty in Vietnam as a tunnel rat. Bits of information like that are what make these customers real people.

A few weeks ago I learned how much of an impact we had on his life. While he laid on his death bed his family began to quarrel over his possessions. They were asking him about his will and wanted to know who would get what. Frustrated he turned to us and asked if we could help manage some of his assets after he passed.

When his sister brought the legal documents she explained how much pride he took in being part of our business. She told us that he often boasted about being able to come behind our counters, having a key to our gate and being able to take any equipment he wanted by just simply telling us he would make arrangements later. I had no idea. I guess we don't always know the impact we have on other peoples lives but it's nice to know we do.


Freak said...

It is indeed. I often think that about life. It's amazing the amount of impact you can have on someone else's life. I often recall people that I only met for 5 minutes but their appearance into my life will stay with me forever.

You say he was old. He will certainly appreciate the way you were towards him now. I think that what you get is what you give. And he will look down and smile at you.

My friends take the piss out of old people but I never do it. I think to myself "you might be old within your life time" - Don't ever knock it or take the pee - you would only expect the same amount of respect back in return. That is someone else's life time you are knocking, something special and memorable. And afterall they were young once, and I bet they thought the same as you..... That they would never get old.

Age is a funny thing. RW how odd we both touch base on such simular subjects!?!

Jen said...

I have stuff to say but I can't right now... Just know I think you're an awesome person RT. :)

David said...

Lindsay: It is odd the way you can affect someone's life without trying or even realizing you did. I was touched that he felt that way about us but I was very upset that he spent his last days listening to people trying to get something out of him. Frankly, it made me sick. He deserved better.

Funny we were the people that was suppose to try to make money off of him and yet we were the only people he could trust to not take his money. Ironic?

Your friends make fun of the old? Have they considered the alternative? :)

Jen: *blush* Damn it! You made me blush again. I wish I knew what I did to earn such a compliment,*grin* thank you. I look forward to hearing your comment.

Time Traveller said...

Its sad that you only realise these things when it's too late. If you'd realised how much he thought of you guys - you might have had an even better friendship. But at least you know now. :)

A bit off topic:

Time Traveller said...

'Funny we were the people that was suppose to try to make money off of him and yet we were the only people he could trust to not take his money. Ironic?' :)

David said...

It is nice to know now, it did make me take a harder look at some of my other customers.

The link you posted is exactly why I don't trust most of the press. The article waits to the very end to print the real reason why speeding may be down.

The ad campaign was introduced at the same time as restrictions on learner drivers - including a ban on all mobile phone use, limits on the number of young passengers allowed and tougher speeding penalties.

I'm waving my finger at them but not my pinky ;p

Daughter of Night said...

Great post, RT. You have a knack for giving me a new way of looking at things. :-)

David said...

*grin* Thanks! You have opened my eyes to some new ways of looking at things too. :)

Leigh Russell said...

Hi raw thoughts, I read your comments on 20something's blog and totally agreed so I thought I'd visit you. Your anecdote was ironic, and incredibly sad, but we have to focus on the positive, or life would be too depressing. Lots of exciting stuff is happening in my life at the moment, as my first book is published in the spring and today the sun was shining. That's something to be happy about here in England! We have to enjoy the good times too. Keep in touch, raw thoughts and keep looking out for people.

David said...

Thanks Leigh!

Yes, there is always something positive to focus on and in the end the positive is more productive than the negative. Good point.

Congratulations on your book! I hope it does well and welcome to my blog. :)