February 02, 2008

Happy Groundhogs Day Everybody!!!

Looks like six more weeks of winter



Gordo said...

Pardon me while I go shovel a foot of snow from my driveway. ;-)

David said...

Yeah, it's been brutal here too. I think the high is only going to reach 71 today. burrr. ;)

Jen said...

I totally forgot that was today... We've got a ton of snow here, so I just assumed winter was sticking around for a while. ;)

I can't believe your hanging out in the 70's. Pig. So, unfair! It's 27 here right now.

Jen said...

Hey!!! Our local "Woody the Woodchuck" predicted an early spring! I think maybe you need to come visit if you wanna be in the nice weather.

David said...

Pig? Now that's not very nice. I'll just assume you're really cold and delusional :p
I can't help that I was born in a warm climate state :)

I like to snow ski, so there is some use for the stuff, oh, and a good snowball fight is fun. ;)