February 28, 2008

How far?

After many months of previews and teasers the show Dexter aired on CBS last week. I must admit from the beginning I was intrigued at the concept of the show. Not because I like shows about serial killers but because I couldn't imagine a show about a serial killer.

I've seen two episodes now and I must say it is entertaining. The main character, Dexter, is funny, charming, intelligent and a police officer. Oh yeah, he is also the serial killer. Yep, the show has made the main character, the good guy of the show, a serial killer.

I suppose we are expected to like the guy because he only hunts down and kills "bad" serial killers. I guess the fact that he enjoys cutting up people is alright because they are bad people. Even better, Dexter has no remorse for his actions and even feels he is serving justice by perusing his addiction to butcher people.

Has CBS lost their freakin' minds? Come on, a serial killer as the good guy, really?! What's next a show about a good rapist that only rapes rapist? How about an arsonist that only burns down other arson's houses? It's madness.

I really don't know why I'm surprised. Hollywood has been driving us down this road for a long time. I'm not sure where it started The GodFather series could have been it. Through all the gangster movies, we've been expected to pull for one corrupt thieving, murdering group over another. Can you say The Sopranos? There have been hundreds of TV shows and movies that had us cheering for thieves to get away with stealing millions as long as the person they stole from was a jerk. Ocean's Eleven is a good example of this, there are many many more.

Where does it end? How far can they go to normalize insane, criminal, immoral behavior? Is it any wonder that society seems to slip further and further into moral decline? The real question is how far will they go? And more importantly, how long will I watch?


Anonymous said...

I've seen the first two seasons of Dexter and it is a brilliant series. I can't wait for the third. They really get you into the mind of Dexter and as he develops you start thinking about what the best course of action for him is. Keep watching, it just gets better and better.

Time Traveller said...

The problem is they make it because we watch it. We watch it because we're intrigued with the things we don't understand.

harbinger said...

We are awaiting the third season here, and I must say when I first heard the concept for Dexter I thought ,"what the hell are they thinking',but it is truly amazing, and gets better and better.
After watching Michael C. Hall in 'Six Feet Under' BEAUTIFUL, I thought he might be making a mistake with Dexter, but no way, Dexter is really good.

Jen said...

Your post made me think back to reading Fahrenheit 451.

I think wondering how far they'll go is valid. Personally I believe there is no end.
Whatever atrocities the world thinks up, there will always be people here to crave it. From serial killers, to children's modeling, and even to natural disasters.

People can afford to love it because it will never happen to me.

And why not watch it, your not condoning the act. Even closing your eyes and "doing the right thing" won't make it go away.
I think it's enough that you realize it is what it is and acknowledge it. That's often all you can do...

Daughter of Night said...

I'm afraid I have no basis for which to join this conversation, as I have not watched "Dexter," nor will I.

Am I missing out on something wildly entertaining? I probably am. Call it my little rebellion, but I won't condone this ludicrous presentation - and all I can ask the networks is: Just because you can, should you?

I think everyone here can seperate themselves from their respective forms of entertainment. But shows like "CSI," "Law and Order," etc., are the bane of my existence because the AVERAGE American is too caught up in the glamour of it all to realize that TV IS NOT REAL LIFE. People honestly believe that the things they see on CSI are how it works in real agencies. People honestly believe that the things they see on ALL of the "Reality Dramas" happen in "real life."

So, from violent video games to CSI to Dexter to completely gratitutous films (which I happen to LOVE), all I can say is: stop teaching our children to KILL.

Because most parents aren't as conscientious as we are when it comes to television and who is watching and when.

David said...

Darren & HB: I've only seen two episodes but I like the character Dexter which is my point. One should never like a serial killer should they? Maybe I haven't seen enough to understand but as of now the concept is disturbing.

TT: True that! But they could have made Dexter a bad guy. I would have still been intrigued but at least I wouldn't be pulling for a butcher.

Jen: I agree with what you're saying but doesn't it desensitize us to things that we should view as repulsive? I mean years ago a little blood trickling down a bathtub in Psycho was scary and now we can watch Saw while we eat our dinner. That can't be good.

Daughter: Just because you can, should you?


As for the other shows I see your point. At least those shows present the bad people as bad. Which isn't to say those shows don't confuse people but for the most part the evil people are obvious.

The children TV combo thing is a HUGE problem. Thanks to TiVo we can wait for them to go to bed to watch what we want to see.

harbinger said...

Who is saying Dexter is good?

Jen said...

It definitely desensitizes you to things that should be repulsive, but along that lines - doesn't the news?
Real life is often just as tragic, and horrifying as the local network at 8. And why? Because it has to come from somewhere.

I haven't seen Dexter, but why make a stand here? Why not with the garbage your local newspaper puts on the front page? Or the stories your local radio station airs?
There's so much violence out there that you can have your pick.

Personally, we censor our TV heavily when Mike is awake, but it's obvious from the way he talks when he comes home from school that not everyone does!

Sad? Yep.
Should it make you angry? Sure.
Will it change anything? I truly doubt it.
Is it worth making a stand? Heck yeah! :)

David said...

You're right HB. Nobody said he was good. Based on the two episodes I've seen it seems to imply he is the character you should be pulling for to succeed.

He is a police officer that catches bad guys and if they escape justice he gets them himself. He sounds good except for the part where he butchers people.

Like I said, maybe I just haven't seen enough to get the concept of the show.

Jen: You know I have issues with the media. Grrrr! Don't get me started down that road :)

I agree the news publishes a lot of garbage but this is different... for me at least. Report the news, and if it's factual fine. We need to know about the world we live in. We don't need to make heroes out of serial killers, if that is what this show is about.

All in my opinion of course.

harbinger said...

Those who have not seen it have the most to say, interesting?

David said...


I see your point HB, I really do. I'm more talking about a the concept of shows that make bad behavior seem normal, or worse, have us pulling for someone evil. That might not be what this show is like but at first glance it seems like it is. I'm going to give it a chance. ;)

Jen said...

My friend Cam is downloading it, thus I will watch it. Then I can make an informed rant.

Time Traveller said...

They didn't make him a bad guy because that would be too simple. Life isn't that black and white.

David said...

I watched another episode and they are still presenting him as some kind of soldier for justice. The man likes to chop people up. Good people or bad people, that's not a good thing.

But I'm going to keep watching and see where it goes. *shrug*

Anonymous said...


I think this is how far they can go. :)

Time Traveller said...

this is so weird? I got in from the pub last night and guess what was on the TV? Yup Dexter!

I keep thinking he's gay because he was gay in 6 feet under :|

Time Traveller said...

To be honest I found it a bit cringeworthy ...

'he could have chosen any one of the xxx bones in the body as a clue, he chose the one that could help identify the victim, he's trying to impress me. I gotta admit, it's working' ... cheesey smile.

So what happens in the show? does he go round killing people and chopping the up when he's not on duty?

Anonymous said...

If a murderer falls through the system and gets away with it, and is likely to kill again, he kills them, chops them up and then gets rid of the body.

Time Traveller said...

Sounds just justice to me. kidding kidding! sorry - *hides under desk*

David said...

You better hide! :)

Darren is right but from what I've seen he enjoys cutting people up. That's my problem with it. In fact he has a compulsion to do it. He only kills bad people because he's been taught to channel his urges in that direction.