February 20, 2008

Over the past weekend I attended my two year old nephew's birthday party, an oyster roast. I had seen my sister-in-law only once since I didn't attend her birthday party but nothing was said. Her husband wasn't at my daughter's party because, as we were informed, children's birthday parties aren't his thing. Fair enough.

The party was fairly uneventful. I went with the attitude of having fun and being as social as possible. I had a smile on my face and a hand out to anyone willing to shake it. Once again the wife's family was excluded.

I was immediately confronted by my sister-in-law's mother-in-law about missing the black tie affair. She made it a point to let me know "she missed me at the other party" wtf? I don't even know this lady. Obviously it was more of an issue than I thought.

My brother-in-law all but ignored me. I found out later that I had been used to make a point in a long standing issue between him and my sister-in-law. At my daughter's party I spent some time with their child. I threw him in the air and wrestled around with him. I noticed my sister-in-law taking pictures of us but didn't think much of it. The wife learned at the oyster roast her sister was happy that a man had taken the time to play with her son because her husband doesn't spend much time with him. Apparently she went home and pointed this out to her husband. Great, just what I need.

They had a great spread of food. The chipped pork looked and smelled delicious. To bad I don't eat pork. The ribs looked good too. A lot of people said the green beans were good but they were prepared with bacon, as were the baked beans. If I liked mayonnaise the coleslaw and potato salad was plentiful, but I don't. In the end all I had was oysters and wine. Both of which were wonderful and made for an interesting evening let me tell you.

Mostly I stood around and overheard a lot of doctor talk and a lot of discussions about the advantages of having the proper nanny and a bunch of other conversations I didn't understand or identify with. All things considered I had a good time. Maybe it was the attitude I went into it with, maybe I just didn't give a shit or maybe it was all the wine I drank, who knows?


Daughter of Night said...

Again, I can't relate. An oyster roast for a two-year-old??? Who ARE these people??

I'm glad you had a good time. :-)

David said...

I can't relate either. That's why I'm having such a hard time with these people.

These are people who live in gated communities. Who try to out do each other with new cars every year. People who do volunteer work because they don't won't to be stuck with their own children. People I don't get, at all. *shakes head*

I know I sound, jealous, bitter or just plain mean but honestly I'm baffled by it all.

Time Traveller said...

Getting drunk - always the right answer to any question. Kidding kidding.

Oyster roast? Sounds like a very snooty affair, I would HAVE to be drunk to attend.

What I don't really understand is why they are so offended that you don't get involved in their gatherings. Maybe it's you they are trying to impress - not their colleagues. Have you ever considered that?

Daughter of Night said...

Ooooooh. Time Traveller. Well done!

David said...

LOL, it was a good try but no, I can assure you it's not me they want to impress. I think they like me alright but I know to much history about them to be impressed by a party. If you want to impress me pay attention to your kid at his own birthday party for starters. They do try to impress my parents though, which I do get a lot of amusement out of their efforts.

I don't know why they want us at their functions other than to represent the wife's side of the family so her sister won't look like a black sheep or something.

Her sister knows where I come from and she knows how I was brought up. She knows I couldn't give shit about someones social position, for the title anyway. Doctors impresses me because they have worked hard and have the intelligence to become proficient at saving lives, not because they make a ton of money. Just having money doesn't tell me what kind of person you are.

Daughter of Night said...

*I* know what kind of people they are.

The kind who would have a freaking oyster roast for a two-year-old's birthday party instead of Mickey D's and an effin' clown or cowboy or pony rides, for f**k's sake!

I'm sorry, RT. I'm wholly underinspired by your sister-in-law.

David said...

Me too. What's sad is she use to be a somewhat impressive person. Now she's content to play doctor's wife. Sad :(

Time Traveller said...

Thanks I impressed myself with that one :)

I don't know it seems like an awful lot of trouble, phone calls, upset people, etc etc just so her sister wouldn't be considered a black sheep.

If she wants to be considered close to her family I'm sure there would be more approving people she could invite.

Maybe they know you're not impressed by their status that's why they're trying so hard to impress - human nature - always want what you can't have.

Jen said...

"Apparently she went home and pointed this out to her husband."

I use to be this person...

Jen said...

You already know I can't fathom these people so I won't delve into what I think...

On another note, you should eat pork - it's yummy!
God wouldn't have made something SOOOOO yummy if he didn't want you to eat it!!

David said...

TT: nope, we are the only family she claims.

I was impressed when she put herself through school with out help from anyone. I was impressed when she landed a fat job in the ICU at the best hospital in our area. We have always gotten along.

She doesn't know I disapprove of the way they are treating their son. I can't change it so I keep my opinion to myself. Except to the wife and on my blog of course.

Jen: I think she should try to get her husband more involved in the child's life. I just wish she hadn't used me as her way to do it. But whatever, right? :)

As for the pork, I use to eat it. I liked it too. When I turned twenty I was trying to give up some bad living that I had fallen into. So I gave up pork as proof that I was willing to changes my ways. Just a little deal I hoped would show something to the 'Big Guy'. That was twenty years ago.

Time Traveller said...

Twenty years with no Bacon Sandwiches? You get less for murder! >:\