February 25, 2008

Small Talk

Sometimes when you think you are just shooting the breeze, someone is listening to every word you say.

A few months ago a guy stopped by my office unannounced to try and persuade me to use his firm when obtaining financing for my customers. As a rule I try to duck this type of solicitation but I had a minute and I knew the guy was just doing his job so what the hell.

After a short sales pitch he commented on the fact that he could tell I work-out. Very clever trick there fellow, buttering up the prospective client. We talked about working out, cardio and diet for longer than his sales pitch lasted. Then he left and I went back to work.

A few days ago I received a call. It was Saul. Saul who I didn't know but he wanted to stop by and see me while he was in town. Regarding? Financing, you know, Saul. The truth is I didn't know Saul but he seemed adamant so what the hell, again. As soon as I saw him I remembered him. The slick salesman that tried to butter me up. I ushered him into my office waiting for the NEW pitch. It never came. What he stopped by for was to tell me something or rather show me something.

Me: So what's been going on?

Saul: I've lost 22 pounds in the last month and a half.

Well that's wonderful. How did you do it?

Saul: I just took your advice. I have a long way to go but I've changed my lifestyle so I know I'll get there. I really want to thank you for that. If we wouldn't have had that conversation I could have never done it.

I was a bit embarrassed for a few reasons. First, I didn't think I had done anything to deserve a thank you. It caught me of guard. Second, because I couldn't even remember what I had said to him. Mostly because I forgot about him the minute he walked out my office. Apparently I said something that stuck.

He wanted me to go to lunch with him but I already had a customer waiting on me. I shook his hand and wished him luck. He thanked me again and left. The whole thing got me thinking. How many times a day do we say something that means nothing to us but affects other people without even knowing it? So I guess for now on I'll pay more attention to what I'm saying because somebody just might be listening. How odd.


Daughter of Night said...

Really great post, RT. Really great.

Thanks. :-)

Jen said...


Very cool...

Anonymous said...

Why would you pay more attention? If what your saying effects people, its because it flows from you, and people know they can believe it. Don't change, just be yourself.

Time Traveller said...

:) that's lovely - you could have ignored him the second time but didn't.

Good point Darren.

Time Traveller said...

I was just working away - and this post keep popping into my head. I'm busy as well damn you!

I just thought, its such a lovely story. Theres you trying to be all macho talking about carbs and muscles and what not. But you actually ended up inspiring someone :)