August 21, 2008

How Many Times?

Co-worker : David can you come in here?

Me: What do you need?

I can't open this attachment. It's from FedEx about a package. *click* *click* *click*

We don't use FedEx.

*click* *click* *click*

Um... are you expecting a package?


Did you send a package?


Do you know the person who sent the email?


Why did you try to open it then?

Because it has a tracking number.

Okay then. Is your anti-virus software running?


Delete the email and don't open the ones you don't recognize. You should be alright.

*ten minutes later*

David... my computer just shut itself down and now the screen is blue.

*whisper* damn it!

By the time I found the bastard it had sent 238 emails of itself to other people, cloned itself 18 times in her computer and made multiple attempts to infect our entire network. Three different virus detection programs couldn't find it.

I don't know who I'm more irritated with. The employees I keep telling not to open unfamiliar emails or the bastard who made the virus. I pick the employee, at least I can give them the old stink eye.


Time Traveller said...

What did the attachment look like?


Gordo said...

The Hallmark e-cards email is making the rounds lately as well. I'm so very glad that about 2/3 of my network at work is linux boxes. Less idiots for me to police. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the pure stupidity of computer users.

"Dont click on the link that says Dangerous virus"

"What this one?" **Click**


David said...

It was clearly a .exe file to me but it just said FedEX. I don't know how many times she tried to open it before she called me but I have never seen one like it. The damn thing started making false infections to throw off the anti-virus software. It modified a few control panels and screwed with the typing functions. GRRRRRRRRR

I wish I could put these people in time out sometimes. >:(

Time Traveller said...

You should be able to block or remove .exe by default from emails. Noone really needs to send exe by email ...

Daughter of Night said...

Cyber-space is the new TV. Mythical, magic, vastly overrated, and universally misunderstood. It is an unfortunate truth that you will never be able to keep people from their fascination with emails, websites, etc. that they KNOW are bullshit. They just can't seem to help themselves.

Criminals make MILLIONS off of people just like that employee.


Jen said...

I Grrrr for you too!!!

Yea for my Mac.

Sorry about your employees!
Give 'em the stink eye for me too.

David said...

TT: Good point. I can't think of any reason for her to receive a .exe file.

Daughter: True, so true. *sigh*

But if you copy and paste these comments in a email and send it to all your friends a widowed middle-eastern woman will transfer millions into your bank account for a mere 10%. If you don't do it in three days a traggedy might become you or your family. LOL

Jen: Double stink eyes it is! 8)

Daughter of Night said...

Click here and you will be part of Microsoft's latest Beta test and a portion of 60 Billion USD will automatically be deposited into your checking account because Bill Gates is tracking this link.

David said...

LOL, Now that one is actually true. See a friend of mine knows for a fact that an attorney he knows has an uncle, that plays golf with a guy that does business with a contractor that does business with a business that does business with Microsoft. He swears it works. I check my account everyday. I'm also still waiting for my free Applebee's gift certificates :D