September 30, 2008

Live a little... because you never know

I received news this past weekend that business friend of mine had died. He was killed in a work related accident. He was forty eight years old. He left a wife and three daughters behind

Obviously this type news put me in a sour mood but after I thought about the man who died I had a different reaction. This guy loved life and squeezed as much out of it as he could. I can't remember ever seeing him in a bad mood. So Sunday I decided to take the family to the beach and live little. Damn, we had fun too.

September 26, 2008


My son's best friend, who has been battling cancer for almost three years, is having surgery today to remove a tumor that has wrapped itself around a main artery.

If you have a extra moment please say a prayer for the little guy. He can use all he help he can get.

**** update ****

He made it through the surgery. He was able to keep the kidney they thought he would lose. However the cancer had grown to close to his main artery to get it all. And they think it's still active. So he still has a long way to go.

September 23, 2008

Somethings should never change

Things change, they always do but sometimes you fool yourself into thinking they won't. This week, after 46 years, yes, 46 years, Larry Munson reported he would stop announcing UGA football games on the radio.

I know, I know... big deal right? But it is a big deal to millions and millions of fans. He is the voice of Georgia football. The only one most of us have known. The one I thought my children would get to know on Saturday afternoons but at the age of 86, yes, that's 86, I should have realized we were lucky to hear him this long.

People loved him for the enthusiasm he brought to the booth. He never hid the fact that he was a UGA fan through and through. Still, even the opposing team's fans like to hear him. It wouldn't be uncommon for a Georgia fan to have a radio on top of his TV so he could watch the game and listen to Larry on the radio. He was just that good.

Even now I can close my eyes, play these clips and remember sitting in my car, screaming with Larry as he painted a picture of victory in my imagination with his words. Especially these two clips because at the end of both his emotions overtake him and expose him for the true fan he is.

The Bulldog Nation will miss your voice Larry but we will never forget you.

1980 Georgia vs Florida (It's biggest rival)

2001 Georgia vs Tennessee

He actually uses the phrase "hobnailed boot" at the end.

Give credit where credit is due

Everyday we hear about another financial institution biting the dust. It's sad to see these big institutions go down and even sadder seeing all these people lose their jobs. What I can't understand is how people didn't see this coming.

Americans, in large numbers, have been living above their means for a long time. I myself have been guilty of doing this. While the trend may have started with wanting to have a cell phone, then the latest cell phone, it all to quickly became a pattern. A computer, then the latest and greatest computer, the habit soon turned into a hard addiction. DVD players, Flat panel TVs, led the way to new cars and then the addict took the biggest hit of all, they bought a house they couldn't afford.

We as a nation are obsessed with stuff. We have to have it and we have to have it now. While I hold the consumer responsible for the problem they placed themselves in, I also blame the financial institutions. They had to know. They had to see the amount of debt people were carrying but they kept on approving loans that would place people further in debt. Worse, bigger institutions gobbled up these bad loans to sure up their financial assets.

I liken the whole thing to a financial game of 'hot potato' but it was worse than that because they were playing with multiple potatoes. In other words they created or allowed so many problems that everyone playing had to know they would get caught, yet they played on.

So when will it end. Americans still want their stuff and the global economy depends on that to a degree. RVs, boats, jet ski's, motorcycles are not considered the property of the well off anymore. A vacation every year and a big Christmas are expected these days. Yet we clearly can't afford them. Hell, a lot of people can't afford the vacations they took last year and haven't paid for yet.

What scares me the most is that these financial institutions gambled people's saving, people's retirement money, MY RETIREMENT MONEY on something they had to know, or should have known, was a loser of a deal from the start.

Yes, they will pay. Many will lose their jobs and some (few) may go to jail but what about the people who trusted them to invest their money? What happens to the guy who saved his money, bought a house he could afford and took vacations only when he had the money to pay for them? The guy that got laughed at for not having a computer at all and carried a four year old cell phone on his hip. He will lose as well. Through no fault of his own he may owe more on his house than it's worth. His retirement fund may be wiped out. Sad.

People better change their ways now. The government has stepped into help but I wouldn't count on that for long. They are taking money from people who didn't over spend to help those who did. That can not go on for long. It's like giving yourself a transfusion with your own blood.

Credit can be dangerous thing. Especially when you give too much of it to people who aren't looking out for your best interest.

September 22, 2008

Confession # 8

As we were passing the bar section of the restaurant we ate at for our anniversary, The Wife saw that my favorite college football team was playing on TV.

The Wife: Awww, you're missing your big game tonight.

Me: Not a problem, I'd rather be here with you.

TW: That's sweet

Thank the Lord for TiVo!!!!

September 19, 2008

Just Another Thing A Blog Is Good For

Chalk one up for blogging.

Earlier this week The Wife asked me if I remembered our anniversary was coming up? I told her I did. (I really did too) She said it was Sunday, so obviously we would celebrate it on Saturday.

Then, as I was doing some paper work this morning, I wrote down the date. I stopped and stared at it for a moment. Then it hit me, today is our anniversary. I called The Wife and told her. She laughed at me and said, "no, it's on the 21st, not today." I quickly checked my blog and confirmed it was a year ago today I posted our 15Th anniversary. So for the record....

I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right! I was right!

I reminded her had I been the one (the man) who had gotten it wrong there would be hell to pay. She just laughed it off as no big deal. *sigh*

I can't win!

Oh well,


September 18, 2008


I almost never go to the doctor unless it's an emergency. When you go under stress conditions, like a mangled finger or a machete chop to the leg, you get a different experience than going in for a check up.

Last week I went to a dermatologist to get a spot, that had suddenly appeared on my chest, looked at. I hadn't given the spot much thought until I sat down in the doctor's office next to a poster. The poster described the cancer melanoma, complete with pictures. The pictures looked exactly like the spot on my chest. Great, now I was worried.

The doctor, who thought he was some sort of comedian, gave it a quick look. He also checked other areas that were suspicious. His attempt at humor put me at ease about it being a serious situation. Like I said, I'm usually at the doctor for emergencies so I'm not in the habit of questioning what the doctor is doing. I now realize that asking questions is what your suppose to do at a check up. Live and learn right?

Without much fan fare he told me the spot would come and go and he would just go ahead and take care of it now. He rolled himself out of the room on his stool and rolled himself back in with a super sized cotton swab and a metal jug trailing behind him also on wheels. The jug had smoke coming out the top. He never said what he was going to do but it was easy to figure out that he was going to freeze the spot. This is where I should have asked a few questions, I didn't.

He took the frozen cotton swab and placed it to my chest. I sat quietly as he ground it into my skin. I never moved or mentioned how much it felt like he was sticking a dagger into my chest. Then he asked me to turn my head and he touched the cotton swab to a place on my face. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!" I thought to myself as I sat motionless. Then he touched another spot near my eye. When he was done he told me to use some antibacterial ointment and band-aids as necessary. "Why the hell would I need a band-aid?" I said, again to myself, as I followed the doctor to his office as instructed.

As he filled out his paper work he told me that people with my complexion don't need to be in the sun, at all. I thought how ridicules a statement that was as I nodded my head at him in agreement. He then gave me a catalogue full of clothes to wear during the summer months. These clothes cover every square inch of skin. I'll never, ever, buy or wear something like that, I thought, as I thanked him for the book and stuck it in my pocket.

Then he handed me the bill and said, "that's it" with a smile on his face. I shook his hand and started to leave when, seemingly off the cuff, he said, "You shouldn't have anything to worry about. I think we got it in time." My mind shifted gears and I was trying to figure out what he meant by that. Got what in time? Worry about what? Is there more I need to know here? These are all the questions I didn't ask as I just turned and headed to the cashier. I was now more concerned than before I saw him.

A day later two spots, the size of an Eggo waffle, (ok not that big but any mark on your face feels 10 times bigger than it is) formed on the side of my face where the doctor had worked. It oozed liquid and turned black. It was like a black hole that sucked peoples' vision so strong they were powerless to look away, even when I caught them staring. Thank the Lord I wasn't planning to do anything important like a modeling photo session... or something.

So now I'm waiting for half my face to peel off so people will stop looking at me like I have something on my face, which I do. I'm left wondering why the doctor didn't tell me the whys and the whats of what he was doing. Worse, I can't figure out why I went to a doctor for answers and allowed myself to leave with more questions than I came with. I guess it's one of those things you get better at with practice. So the next time I go I'm going to ask more questions and this time I might even say them out loud.

September 14, 2008

Dag gum it!

There has always been a gumball machine where I work. You know the one, glass globe, you put a quarter in the slot, turn the knob and a couple of gum balls come out. I'm not sure who owned the one that's been at our place for years. All I know was someone came, refilled it and took the money. That was until this year. This year no one came to refill the machine so eventually it ran out. It's not that I chew a lot of gum but it was a nice way to get a sugar fix a few times a week.

After several months of no gum, a brand new, shiny candy machine showed up. Full to the top too. Oh did I lose a few quarters that day. Oh happy days are here again. Then I inquired from where did this shiny new machine full of glorious sugar come from? Seems my brother bought it on eBay. Interesting.

The next day I had a hankering for a piece of gum, waltzed right up to the gumball machine... but then a funny thing happened. Just before I plucked my quarter in the slot I kinda resented that it was going to my brother. I quickly shrugged the feeling off. I mean I never cared when a stranger got my quarter. Besides now there was gum and if there isn't, I know who to see.

Still, every time since, when I go to place my quarter in the slot, I get that same damn feeling. I really don't know why either. I don't care if he gets the money. Hell, I'd give it to him if he wanted it. Is it because he thought of the idea and I didn't? Am I jealous? I don't think I am. Maybe it just upset me that he didn't include me in his little venture when we've been partners in everything else concerning business. But, seriously it's a gumball machine, not a business. I really don't know why I get this stupid feeling.

I do know I don't like the feeling but I can't shake it completely. Every time I go to get some gum I get it again and quite frankly it's ruining my whole gum chewing experience. WTF?!

September 12, 2008

Just a whole bunch of funny


Virginity like bubble,
one prick, all gone.


Man who run in front of car
get tired.


Man who run behind car
get exhausted.


Man with hand in pocket
feel cocky all day.


Foolish man give wife grand piano,
wise man give wife upright organ.


Man who walk through
airport turnstile sideways
going to Bangkok


Man with one chopstick go hungry.


Man who scratch ass
should not bite fingernails.

*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*

Man who eat many prunes
get good run for money.


Baseball is wrong:
Man with four balls cannot walk.


Panties not best thing on earth!
But next to best thing on earth.


War does not determine who is right,
war determine who is left.


Wife who put husband in doghouse
soon find him in cathouse.


Man who fight with wife all day
get no piece at night.


It take many nails to build crib,
but one screw to fill it.


Man who drive like hell,
bound to get there.


Man who stand on toilet
is high on pot.

*~*~*~* ~ *~*~* ~ *~*~*

Man who live in glass house should
change clothes in basement.


Man who fish in other man's well,
often catch crabs.


Man who fart in church
sit in own pew.


Crowded elevator smell different to midget.


September 06, 2008


Don't you love when something comes along and exposes hypocrisy? Sarah Palin, John McCain's Vice Presidential pick, has exploded onto the scene in a very unexpected way. Right now the lady is lightning in a bottle.

You would think that women everywhere would be proud to see an intelligent, strong, accomplished women getting a chance to compete for a job previously held by only men. I'm not saying they should vote for her just because she's a women or that they should vote for her at all. I understand her positions and her leadership abilities should be the reason for a vote not her gender. Still, her surprise appearance has exposed some hypocrisy.

N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) - This is an organization dedicated to promoting women but not only will they not support Palin, they will not even defend her either. See, they feel Palin is not qualified to speak for women, which I find funny seeing how she is a woman. They say she's against women's rights (huh?). Who said they get to decide what is right for all women? The truth is, they don't support women, they support people that believe what they believe. Right now that's democrats with a liberal agenda. They would rather see Palin dragged back a few decades by her ponytail than stand up for her. Hypocrisy.

Oprah Winfrey - She refuses to have Palin on her show because she doesn't use her show as a platform for political candidates (huh?). She is a huge supporter of Obama. She has been on the campaign trail with him many times. Anyone that watches Oprah knows who she supports. Oprah's show is largely built around the premise of empowering women but, as with N.O.W., I guess it has to be a strong woman with the right (left) agenda. Hypocrisy.

The Mainstream Media - The media celebrated Hillary Clinton's candidacy as an example of how far women have come. They gushed over how intelligent she is and how savvy she is. They were ready and willing to pounce on anyone who even hinted at using her gender to discredited her. Now, this same press is the first to pounce on Sarah Palin for being a women trying to compete for a demanding job. "How will she raise her children and be the VP?" "Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. She must be a bad mother." " She is only on the ticket for her sex appeal and her good looks." These are just a few of the issues they have raised in the short week Palin has been running. Yet in 19 months they have never asked Obama how he plans to raise his children. Hypocrisy.

To be honest, I'm not surprised. I saw the same thing happen with Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice. The organizations that claim to support them not only turned their back on them, they attacked them. See these organization don't support the demographics they claim to, they support agendas. That, to me, is hypocrisy at it's finest.

September 05, 2008

Old School

I don't like the hassle of getting my haircut but I absolutely love the barbershop I go to. It's small, plain and clean. Best of all, it's a real man's barbershop. That's not to say a woman couldn't get her haircut there, it just means she shouldn't expect the spa treatment.

It's one big open room. As soon as you walk in you better look around to see who's there because there is no waiting list. You just sit down and wait until it's your turn. No appointments necessary or even available. There is a TV in the corner and it's always tuned to ESPN or some type of hunting show. There are magazines as well, Sports Illustrated, Men's Health, Baseball Weekly to name a few. If you just want to stare at the wall there is something to see there as well. A couple of mounted deer heads, a mounted pheasant and a few trophy bass are hung amongst some pictures.

When it is your turn you sit in one of five barber chairs. They are all in a line with nothing separating them. One mirror fills the wall for all the chairs, one long counter as well. The barber won't try to chat you up. You can sit there quietly as the sound of clippers buzz around you. After he finishes cutting your hair he pulls out a straight razor and tidies things up. A little talcum powder and a brush off and it's all done. Ten minutes, ten dollars and a little faith restored that somethings don't have to change.

September 01, 2008


I heard a song today that I haven't heard in awhile. This may sound odd but my mind has this thing about assigning certain songs to certain people. I really have no control over it. The connection with this song and this person have been with me for long time. The man it reminds me of wasn't all that important to me but over the years I have come to understand the way he touched my life.

The song is 'Champagne Super Nova' by Oasis. The guys name was Tim. I went to high school with Tim for four years. I can't remember how or when we became friends, he was just there. He sat at my table for lunch everyday for four years. His dad had been my dentist but had died when I was about ten years old.

I always knew there was something different about Tim. Something about the way he carried himself. He did things for himself, never to impress anyone. I can remember when I found out he was going to become an Eagle Scout. He had never told us he was even a Boy Scout. Becoming an Eagle Scout is a huge deal that requires a tremendous commitment. Yet, in four years, he never mentioned any of it. That's how it was with Tim.

I can't remember much that Tim talked about. He wasn't shy, he just didn't waste words. What I do remember is that he seemed older than the rest of us. He was the first person I knew, that was my age, that had a real job. He delivered pizza in his faded yellow 1969 Volkswagen bug. It never occurred to me then that he had to have a job. I was clueless to the fact that, with his dad gone, Tim was the man of his house. I didn't see then that he HAD to work and make his on way. Even if I had realized it, I doubt I could have understood his situation.

After high school he went to a local state college. I saw him a few times there but like high school he never had time to hang out. He always kept his eye on the prize. I kept up with him through a mutual friend after that. First, he earned his criminal justice degree. Then he moved to Atlanta and worked some of the worst neighborhoods on the drug squad for the city police. Then that mutual friend called me one day to tell me he had just talked to the Federal Marshal Service. They needed a background check on Tim. It wasn't long before I heard he had in fact been accepted as a Federal Marshal.

A few years later the same mutual friend called me again. This time to let me know Tim had died at the young age of 36. No, he didn't die in a gun battle or even on the job. I would have been surprised if he had. That would have meant a big ceremonial funeral. It wouldn't have fit with the life Tim had lived. No, he was struck by lightning standing on a ladder he was using to repair his home. He left behind a recently married wife.

As I said, Tim wasn't a remarkable person in my life but he did leave his mark. He was the first person my age I ever saw as an adult. He was forced to become a man while the rest of us boys played. He lost his childhood and never complained. He succeeded where many would have fallen apart. Later he became an example of sacrifice, duty and obligation that I often pulled some strength from. I only wish I would have asked the question then that seems so obvious now. "Where were you Tim while we were getting high?"

How many special people change?

How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Wake up the dawn and ask her why
A dreamer dreams, she never dies
Wipe that tear away now from your eye
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova 'Cuz we don't believe
That they're gonna get away from the summer
But you and I will never die
The world's still spinning around we don't know why
How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Where were you while we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannonball
Where were you while we were getting high?
Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky Someday you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova 'Cuz we don't believe
That they're gonna get away from the summer
But you and I will never die
The world's still spinning around we don't know why
