September 26, 2008


My son's best friend, who has been battling cancer for almost three years, is having surgery today to remove a tumor that has wrapped itself around a main artery.

If you have a extra moment please say a prayer for the little guy. He can use all he help he can get.

**** update ****

He made it through the surgery. He was able to keep the kidney they thought he would lose. However the cancer had grown to close to his main artery to get it all. And they think it's still active. So he still has a long way to go.


Jen said...

He's in my thoughts.

David said...

Thank you.

Time Traveller said...

That is so so sad :( is he still close to your son?

David said...

He lives in Florida now, right near Disney World (about 4 hours away). They still keep in touch and visit often. Since his friend isn't able to do much (go to school & meet new kids) he still considers my son his best friend.