September 06, 2008


Don't you love when something comes along and exposes hypocrisy? Sarah Palin, John McCain's Vice Presidential pick, has exploded onto the scene in a very unexpected way. Right now the lady is lightning in a bottle.

You would think that women everywhere would be proud to see an intelligent, strong, accomplished women getting a chance to compete for a job previously held by only men. I'm not saying they should vote for her just because she's a women or that they should vote for her at all. I understand her positions and her leadership abilities should be the reason for a vote not her gender. Still, her surprise appearance has exposed some hypocrisy.

N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) - This is an organization dedicated to promoting women but not only will they not support Palin, they will not even defend her either. See, they feel Palin is not qualified to speak for women, which I find funny seeing how she is a woman. They say she's against women's rights (huh?). Who said they get to decide what is right for all women? The truth is, they don't support women, they support people that believe what they believe. Right now that's democrats with a liberal agenda. They would rather see Palin dragged back a few decades by her ponytail than stand up for her. Hypocrisy.

Oprah Winfrey - She refuses to have Palin on her show because she doesn't use her show as a platform for political candidates (huh?). She is a huge supporter of Obama. She has been on the campaign trail with him many times. Anyone that watches Oprah knows who she supports. Oprah's show is largely built around the premise of empowering women but, as with N.O.W., I guess it has to be a strong woman with the right (left) agenda. Hypocrisy.

The Mainstream Media - The media celebrated Hillary Clinton's candidacy as an example of how far women have come. They gushed over how intelligent she is and how savvy she is. They were ready and willing to pounce on anyone who even hinted at using her gender to discredited her. Now, this same press is the first to pounce on Sarah Palin for being a women trying to compete for a demanding job. "How will she raise her children and be the VP?" "Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. She must be a bad mother." " She is only on the ticket for her sex appeal and her good looks." These are just a few of the issues they have raised in the short week Palin has been running. Yet in 19 months they have never asked Obama how he plans to raise his children. Hypocrisy.

To be honest, I'm not surprised. I saw the same thing happen with Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice. The organizations that claim to support them not only turned their back on them, they attacked them. See these organization don't support the demographics they claim to, they support agendas. That, to me, is hypocrisy at it's finest.


Daughter of Night said...

This is such a great post, RT!


David said...

Thanks, my head is so full of politics right now I think it's going to explode. :)

Jen said...

Politics suck.
They drag a bunch of people that could get along into a pit to verbally assault each other.

For the record, I'm a woman and Palin sure DOESN'T speak for me!
I agree with your premise but EW.


David said...

lol, I'm just glad you got past the picture. ;)

Jen said...

Eh. I closed my eyes and found a happy place until I was safely past!