September 05, 2008

Old School

I don't like the hassle of getting my haircut but I absolutely love the barbershop I go to. It's small, plain and clean. Best of all, it's a real man's barbershop. That's not to say a woman couldn't get her haircut there, it just means she shouldn't expect the spa treatment.

It's one big open room. As soon as you walk in you better look around to see who's there because there is no waiting list. You just sit down and wait until it's your turn. No appointments necessary or even available. There is a TV in the corner and it's always tuned to ESPN or some type of hunting show. There are magazines as well, Sports Illustrated, Men's Health, Baseball Weekly to name a few. If you just want to stare at the wall there is something to see there as well. A couple of mounted deer heads, a mounted pheasant and a few trophy bass are hung amongst some pictures.

When it is your turn you sit in one of five barber chairs. They are all in a line with nothing separating them. One mirror fills the wall for all the chairs, one long counter as well. The barber won't try to chat you up. You can sit there quietly as the sound of clippers buzz around you. After he finishes cutting your hair he pulls out a straight razor and tidies things up. A little talcum powder and a brush off and it's all done. Ten minutes, ten dollars and a little faith restored that somethings don't have to change.


Gordo said...

The continuing existence of the basic things in life gives one hope. :-)

Jen said...

Good post.
We have one of those locally too, but I never go in it... :-P

Daughter of Night said...

There are some largely taken for granted things that have always had the power to restore my sense of "rightness" with the world. THe neighborhood barber shop is one of them. :-)