January 05, 2009

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For Christmas this year, just like last year, the family took a cruise. If you've never been I highly recommend it. It was tough last year with young children but we were on the Disney ship, so everything was geared for them. This year we took a 7 day cruise on the Carnival ship Glory. It was a little more challenging with kids, especially with Abby's broken arm, but we had a very good time.

There were three highlights from the cruise that stuck out for me. Obviously, being able to spend that kind of time with my family was awesome. We shared some experiences that will last us all a lifetime. I also had the chance to go scuba diving in Belize. I haven't dove in awhile. And, there is almost no better place on earth to get wet than Belize. They have a incredible reef there that is full of aquatic life. Lastly, we had two full days at sea. I can't remember when I've had two full days where I couldn't do anything but relax, even if I didn't wanted to.

Here are a few pictures

Some more thoughts later


Jen said...

Glad you had a good vacation, but WELCOME HOME!!!

Nice pictures too.

David said...


Thanks! I missed you!!

I was just off the coast of Cuba when I got your *pout* comment about me being on a cruise. I read it to The Wife and we had a good laugh. :)

I hope things have gotten better for you. Did Mike ever get to enjoy his Christmas?

Jen said...

He did have a good time eventually. He was sick for dayyyys. And when he got better, I got sick! And when I got better, James got sick.
I'm hoping it stops there cause I don't wanna do it again.

David said...

Well, at least he didn't miss it.

And, at least you were sick between semesters. That's the cup half full take on it anyway ;)

Daughter of Night said...

Welcome home! Looks like a wonderful time. :-)

David said...

Hey Daughter *wave*

It was wonderful but I missed you guys.

I hate to be pushy about this but you did say you would post pics of the BC3D. As you can see by my blog the picture adding thing of a bopper is working... I'm just sayin' :D

I hope all is well with you.