January 19, 2009

I'm not just another petty Facebook picture

I was talking with my sister-in-law while we were all on vacation. She mentioned an old friend of mine that she use to live near when we were growing up. We lost contact when he moved away many years ago. When I mentioned I wouldn't mind seeing what he looked like she told me he was on Facebook.

I've known about Facebook for some time but knowing it is a social networking system, especially of all things past, is a bit of a turn off to me. That's just not how I roll, as they say. I recently set The Wife up with a page so she could join a group of people that enjoys a band she likes. That gave me a good idea of how Facebook works. After our vacation I talked to The Wife about setting up a Facebook page for the family. Only, you have to put one name in Facebook. Since I was the one who had the idea, was setting it up and wanted to check out my friend I used my name but I placed a picture of the whole family as the profile picture. Anyone from our past knows both of us. After realizing how many people I use to know was on Facebook I changed the name on the account to The Wife's name. Just not my cup of tea. We knew no matter whose name was on the account people would contact both of us. And they did.

My sister-in-law was our first friend. All fun and games until she wrote on her wall that her sister was pregnant and she was looking forward to "finally becoming an aunt." WTF? What are my kids and my sister's kids? It actually came as no surprise that she felt that way but to say it in a place she knew we would see it is more than a little rude and hurtful. I can see this type of stuff repeating itself over and over.

Last night the wife had me edit a picture of her for her fan Facebook page, I thought. Then she asked if it would be ok to take down the family picture on our page and put her picture up instead. I know it's petty, very petty, but it hit me wrong. When I asked why, she couldn't even be upfront about her reason. She said the picture of all of us, one she helped pick out, wasn't a good one. The thing is, I swear I don't care about Facebook. The whole concept of reaching out to people you let go out of your life with barely a thought makes me shiver. But alas, I guess some part of me does care. At least enough to get upset over our family picture being removed in favor of an individual one. Petty on my part but telling on The Wife's part I think, at least in my opinion it is.


Daughter of Night said...


I'm not sure what to say here. I'll have to think about it some more.

But you can add me on Facebook in the meantime, if you like. :-)

David said...

Well if you do think of what to say please let me know. I wouldn't mind hearing another opinion even it tells me I'm being ridiculous. (which I'm not... just petty. lol)

I would love to add you to Facebook(though I do have a fear of connecting this world and that one :)) but that's the problem. I don't even know if that's allowed now. grrr. I think I'll mention it to The Wife and see what kind of reaction I get. That might just tell me what I need to know about all of this.

Jen said...

You could add me to your Facebook page too! (Since Daughter hasn't *sniff*)

I'm not sure what I think yet either. I'm feeling like maybe you secretly want a Facebook page! ;)
It is kind of a let down when your partner wants to take down the group picture in favor of a single. I've felt that pain... if you can call it pain. It is VERY frustrating!!
Maybe you should just start your own and see how you like it? You don't have to participate...
And your sister-in-law? Delete her ass! What a jerk!

David said...

I don't know... I just don't have this burning desire to connect with most people from my past. I would certainly be more excited to add you and Daughter than most of my past friends. Maybe that's because I still live where I grew up and kept in contact with the people that matter to me. The others are fond memories but past memories.

You know what.. F@CK IT! I think I will start my on page. Like you said I can participate as much or as little as I want. Now, just what kind of picture will I use... and should I add The Wife as a friend? >:)

Jen said...


I think you HAVE to add The Wife! Although... you don't have to do it right away. *laugh*

I use it to talk to the people in my life currently. The people I went to high school with (ick!) are just a background noise.
That's how it goes though...

Let me know when you get yours started, I'll come stalk you!

David said...


I'll set one up this weekend. Then the stalking can begin! :D

Jen said...

It's on, baby!