October 23, 2007

Just a few pics

I've been too busy to post about a few subjects that have been on my mind. Since I haven't posted anything about my children in awhile, I thought I'd put up a few of photos from them at Disney World last week. So, just in case anybody thought I was finished posting about my children,WRONG!


Time Traveller said...

arrr three of them are really cute :) but I've got to say the pink one in the first picture sure is ugly.

David said...


Are you picking on Piglet? Sweet, innocent, timid, modest, always willing to help his friends Piglet? Tigger or Rabbit I could understand but PIGLET? blasphemy! :)

Time Traveller said...

yes PIG-LET. :) He ugly :) no good, busy body, pink, interferring so and so. Why doesn't he get himself down to the abattoir? so we can all enjoy a nice bacon sandwich?

David said...

OMG! I can't believe you are saying these things about piglet. What if Christopher Robin hears you?! You a bad, bad girl!

I don't eat pork and I certainly wouldn't eat piglet!!! Again, rabbit is a much better choice. I would eat him. :p

Time Traveller said...

Robinson? :)

Christopher likes a bit of porking too :)

David said...

No it's Robin. You do know about Winnie-the-Pooh don't you. You were a child once, right? I mean the whole thing is an English invention for God's sake.

I think Christopher is just a wee bit to young to know about porking. Shame on you!


Time Traveller said...

Ah yes I remembered 'Robinson' for some reason. Yes I was a child once - it was a long time ago now though! I don't have kids so I don't watch Winnie the Pooh anymore!

Although I did watch an episode a couple of weeks ago -they were all looking for an acorn - Pig.Let. was being particularly annoying.

Oh I don't think Christopher Robin is too young to know about porker - can't you see the sexual tension between him and tigger? lets not even go there.

Pig.Let is pure evil.

David said...

OMG! You're using the WWWF commentator PAUL G. as your source?! Everybody knows he's a crackpot that lies out of his ass! Did you know for years he's been trying to convince people that Piglet is the real Jack The Ripper? Seriously, could you see Piglet with a hooker? Not to mention he's about 18" tall. C'mon, RIDICULOUS, ABSURD, CRAZY!

Time Traveller said...

PIG.LET the ripper as he's better known amongst 'friends' was in fat abused as a urr well ... piglet - by christopher robin. He was affected badly ad never got over it. He was bullied at school becase of his height - so he went on to kill prostititues. Makes perfect sense if you think about it.

Look even Dudley Council banned him! If Dudley Council say so it must be true!

And TURKEY! are they wrong too?

More proof!

a poem they found in pig.lets secret draws:
If I was Bigger

"If I was bigger," Piglet thought,

"I would have killed Pooh when we fought.

If only I was bigger,

I could’ve slaughtered tigger.

I could take stupid Eeyore

And turn him into gore.

I could pull the arms off rabbit,

Rip out his heart and stab it."

"I would drink a mighty potion,

Which would set my plan in motion.

I would become so tall,

There’d be no stopping me at all.

I would grab owl from his tree,

And he’d be terrified of me.

First I’d tear off his claw,

Then I’d shatter his jaw.

I would then strap him to his rake,

And burn him at the stake."

"Pooh always makes fun of me,

So his murder would be a sight to see.

From a tree Pooh’s body would be dangled,

His body all broken and mangled.

The first thing off would be his head,

With the rest of his body drenched in red.

His limbs would come off, one by one,

Until the gruesome task was done."

"Next to be slaughtered would be Roo,

Before long he’d be black and blue.

But at the end, when he was dead,

He’d be covered in shades of red.

Death was coming to him, that much he knew,

When my bloody saw came at him, and cut him clean in two.

Roo’s life would then come to a close,

And it would take little time do dispatch my other foes."

"Matches and gasoline would do alright,

To set the Hundred Acre Wood alight.

I’d fly in my private jet, I’m so cruel,

And douse all the trees and people with fuel.

The residents of the land will meet their doom,

When the lit match falls, then comes the kaboom.

The hopes of the moronic fools will be dire,

When they’re running around engulfed in fire.

Before their eyes their useless lives will flash,

Until they’re reduced to piles of ash.

David said...


Just because someone is short doesn't mean they are insecure about it! Even if other people only like tall men... err, I mean, tall people.

You really drink the cool-aide don't you! The ripper rumors have been floating around ever since the muppets lost in the rating wars a few years back. There were even pictures floated around said to be that of Piglet and Tiggers love children but they were DNA tested and proved not to be Piglets or Tiggers. http://www.snopes.com/media/goofs/piglets.asp

Obviously these people who ban piglets just because they don't eat them are stupid. I don't eat wood yet I will allow it in my house. Hell, I sit on it, eat off of it and sleep on it. They need to rethink their position and get a life. They treat the whole "Anti-Pigletism" like some sort of religion. Sheesh!

While the poem is funny.. ha, ha :| , you know as well as I do it was a plant. Anyone who has ever read Piglet's works knows he only writes limericks. Plus it is well documented that Kermit The Frog has admitted to writing it. http://rawthinking.blogspot.com/2006/10/muppet-madness.html