October 18, 2007

My New Toy

I know that Palms Pilots are old school and not as exciting as say an iPhone or a crackberry a blackberry but I just bought a new one and I couldn't be happier.

The only reason I have it is to keep phone numbers and contacts with me. I know you can do that with a cell phone but it's a pain in the ass when I switch services or don't have my phone with me.

My Palm syncs with my computer at home and work so I can easily update my contacts in both locations. I can also carry around pictures of equipment I'm selling so I can whip them out in a moments notice at an unsuspecting customer. For anyone who carries a palm I can also beam pictures and files into theirs from mine.

Another nifty feature I like is that it has WiFi so I can browse the internet and check my email whenever I'm near a network, which is pretty much all the time these days. Yes, cell phones can do this anywhere but WiFi is F.R.E.E. So now I can grab my work email before I leave the house and look it over when I'm stuck in traffic. So by the time I get to work all the spam promising me a larger penis, terrific stock tips and Canadian grade Viagra are Deeeeleted. It even scans for active WiFi so I've managed to find some connections to the internet while sitting in traffic. I hope no one minds, tuff stuff if they do.

It still has the old standard features like being able to write notes on the screen, a calender, a calculator, mp3 player with video and the ability to work with Word and Excel documents. The steel pen that is neatly hidden in the side gives me a ninja aspect against any attacker who doesn't realize the power of the Palm. I'm sure I could easily put an eye out with it.

Yep, I'm pleased as plumb with my new old school device.


Andre said...

I know what you mean. I have every intention of ditching my Treo 650 some time soon. My poor phone has been through hell and back; especially evident by the number of dropped calls and brain freezes the thing often has.

Jen said...

I love having a Palm!! It's the best. And your new secret ninja powers are definitely unbeatable!
It's neat that the new Palm, like you're new cool one, works on the internet. Very cooooool.

Now you've got me looking at new toys...

David said...

Andre: I thought long and hard about getting a Palm phone but I'm not sure I cold trust myself with it. To many good features, I would never get any work done. :(

What would you replace your Treo with? There are way too many cell phone choices out there.

And, welcome to my blog :)

Jen: Yeah, I'm living like a rock star! I honestly think most people have stopped carrying Palms that aren't cell phone equipped but I gotta be me ;)

Time Traveller said...

Enjoy :) I have a blackberry pearl - I love it because of the text messaging. You can scroll through texts with history like emails. It doesn't have video cam features but can take high def pictures.

It doesn't matter about the name or whether your toys old scholl - the qustion is - does it do what you want it to do.

Mine does - so I'm happy. I'll take the upgrade and sell it on ebay that should pay for my bills for the next three months :)

Anonymous said...

you have me wanting one now -I'm in the 'does it do what you want it to' camp too, and that all sounds like stuff I want. Enjoy your new toy, savour the feeling :) I must go see how dear they are...

Daughter of Night said...

I almost bought a Palm phone/PDA combo today. I wandered around that store for about an hour, frazzled by the seemingly unending choices!! I kept walking in between the iPhones, the PDAs, and the "regular" phones (which do just about everything except wash dishes these days)... ended up just getting phones (with camera/video, internet access, mobile email)...

Mine doesn't have a weapon, though. :-( I should have walked aorund longer and taken that into consideration...

David said...

20 Something: With all the texting you do, you should carry around a laptop. :P

I'll take the upgrade and sell it on ebay that should pay for my bills for the next three months :)

Damn, how much do they cost?!

Lou: When it comes to gadgets I have to get a list of what I need it to do before I go shopping, then not be tempted by bling and features I'll never use.

Another good thing about my Palm, if i lose it no one can run up a bill on it and I still have all my information on my computer :)

Daughter: I agree, way too many choices with phones. How the hell do you pick one? And no matter what you get there will be a better one tomorrow :(

Ha! Like you need a weapon! :D

Time Traveller said...

They don't cost that much with a contract - but all phoens are expensive without a contract.

I can probably get a couple of hundred pounds for whatever upgrade I get. :)

Freak said...

I'm jealous! I wish I had the money for one of these :(