October 14, 2007

Sweet tea & pop tarts

I feel like a jerk for writing this but this is why I started my blog so screw it.

The wife and the kids went to Disney World this weekend. They left Friday and won't be back until Monday. I will miss them but honestly, since getting time to myself is a rare event, I was giddy at the prospects.

Now some people may take the opportunity to go out and have some fun but not me. No I just wanted to be at the house alone. I had a lot of projects I wanted to complete and while some would call them chores, I enjoy doing them when I have the time to do them right. At night a glass of wine, a movie of my choosing or a good football game sounded perfect. Sunday, no work, no kids, so sleeping late was the plan. It's been years since I've been in bed when 8:00 am rolled around. So I thought I would give it a try.

So Friday night, after turning down many request from co-works to do something, I headed to the house. I jumped on the lawn mower and cut grass until I ran out of daylight. The evening went well and I was ahead of my weekend plans.

Since I have to work Saturdays, I got up and headed in, anxious for the clock to strike twelve so I could go home and really get started. Then it happened. My best friend showed up at work a few minutes before I was going to leave. It seems the wife had mentioned to him that I would be alone this weekend and might want some company. Grrrr!

So he asked me to lunch and to go see a house he's remodeling to see if I can help him with any ideas. Since he knew I didn't have the family waiting on me and the whole weekend in front of me I saw no way out without hurting his feelings. So I said yes, damn it.

It only took a few hours and then I zipped home to get started. I jumped on the lawn mower again to finish the grass. It didn't take long before I noticed my dad driving up to talk to me. My mom went with the wife so he knew I was home alone too. He asked if I wanted to go to supper? I tried to explain I had some chores planned but he wasn't letting it go. Luckily I didn't give in. He left disappointed, I felt guilty but I was gaining ground on my projects. So I spent the rest of the day working my ass off because Sunday was going to be mine, all mine. With everything done I would sleep late, watch football and make the couch my home.

That night I was absolutely wore out. I poured a glass of wine and sat back to watch some college football. Of course the phone rings. It was the wife and she's having a hard time with my mom at Disney World. She vents for 20 minutes then slips in that she heard I pissed my dad off about supper. Great, as if I didn't feel guilty enough. Screw it, I was tired, so I went to bed early because tomorrow is veg-out day.

The phone rings. It's my dad. "You want to get some breakfast?" "um, sure dad, what time?" "As soon as you get ready" I hung up and rolled over, the clock said 7:30 am, SHIIIIITTTT! Now this may sound odd put I'm not a big breakfast eater and anybody that knows me knows that about me but occasionally I love having Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts with a glass of sweet tea, no ice, for breakfast. I was very much looking forward to that this morning, oh well.

So I go to breakfast with dad, he buys, thanks dad. When I get back home there's a message on the machine. It's my best friend again and he says he's heading over. OMG!!!! I guess I'll be doing some house cleaning. When he arrives he has season three of The Office. I love The Office but I've seen them all. We watch all 9 or 10 episodes, then go bowling. On the way to go bowling my dad calls. "You want me to cook us some supper?" "No, I'm with my best friend." An hour later the wife calls my cell to bitch about my mom some more. She also mentions " I hear you pissed your dad off about supper again." So I call dad and ask if we can pick him up something. He says yes and we all eat at his house. My best friend leaves me at 10:00 pm.

So that was MY weekend. I know I should be grateful that people were willing to keep me company but DAMN. Give a man some room. When the wife gets home she will ask how I enjoyed all that time to MYSELF.

I wish I knew...


Daughter of Night said...

You poor thing. :-(

Next time? Let the wife know you DON'T WANT COMPANY. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah its very simple. You let everyone know that you are looking forward to a weekend alone, on the couch, doing what you want. And make a big deal of it to everyone. Jokingly slip into conversations that if anyone phones, your going to spend your weekend phoning them every 15 mins to ask if they are busy, laugh, then hang up.

harbinger said...

OH NO!, plans made and plans destroyed by well meaning people, what are you going to do. I am fortunate that I am not as nice as you, I would just brush them all off, It's the only thing I would come up with.

David said...

Daughter: The wife knew perfectly well I wanted to be left alone. What she failed to realize is that my best friend's boyfriend just moved away and he is very lonely. The wife didn't think he would act on her suggestion.

Darren: lol, I did exactly that but I live in a world were my family and friends think I mean everybody else, not them. When my dad called the second night about dinner my best friend said, "Gee, does he ever leave you alone?" It took both hands to keep the sound from coming out of my mouth.

HB: Exactly - well meaning people with good intentions. I shouldn't be mad that they like me but take a hint people, hell just listen to my words.

Jen said...

The next time you have some free time, I'm feeling a little bored myself. You wanna go hand out doing something I want to do, when you could be sleeping??

A truly "alone" weekend. Gone. *poof*
At least you can be sure that people enjoy your company.

Time Traveller said...

The good thing is you will never be a lonely old man :)

I used to long for some 'me' time ...it is nice just have the silence.

Next time - tell your dad you've got plans with your best mate and tell your mate you've got plans with your dad ;)

Or just don't answer the phone.

I can't help feeling sorry for your dad though :(

David said...

Jen: Ha! That's the part I don't get, I'm borrrrrrrring. I don't see the draw. But don't worry, I should get another weekend to myself in about.. oh, 10 or 12 years from now :(

20 Something: My dad lives about 5 acres away. If I don't answer my phone he just rides over. And don't feel bad for him. He had other options, golf, hunting, HIS FRIENDS. He's doing all these things this week while I'm back at work. >:(

Time Traveller said...

I wish my problems were as simple as sweet tea and pop tarts.

David said...

These aren't problems, they're just frustrations. They aggravate me but I don't get hung up on them. I find a certain amount of humor in aggravation but that's me... the weirdo :)

I been blessed to have a life with very few serious problems but unfortunately I do have few.

Lou said...

RT, that is the most valid rant I've had the pleasure of reading in a long while. You poor man, I absolutely HATE when alone time gets hijacked. It's so unfair. Sounds like you're very popular though - they were all trying to get a piece of you when they could, which is quite nice really.

David said...

Thanks Lou,:) yes they were just being nice. That's why I felt like such a jerk for being mad about it. It's selfish really but that's how I felt. I believe we all need time to ourselves to keep our sanity. *sigh*