November 29, 2006

My sad secret

I just couldn't take seeing the original post so I replaced it with these lyrics by the GOO GOO DOLLS. Almost every line of this song fits how I feel since it happened.


And even though the moment passed me by

I still can't turn away

Cause all the dreams you never thought you'd lose

Got tossed along the way

And letters that you never meant to send

Get lost or thrown away

And now we're grown up orphans

That never knew their names

We don't belong to no one

That's a shame

But if you could hide beside me

Maybe for a while

And I won't tell no one your name

And I won't tell em your name

Scars are souvenirs you never lose

The past is never far

Did you lose yourself somewhere out there

Did you get to be a star

And don't it make you sad to know that life

Is more than who we are

You grew up way too fast

And now there's nothing to believe

And reruns all become our history

A tired song keeps playing on a tired radio

And I won't tell no one your name

And I won't tell em your name

I think about you all the time

But I don't need the same

It's lonely where you are come back down

And I won't tell em your name

The Happy Man

On my way to work some days there is this man, he looks to be in his mid fifties, he's fat and has gray hair. He wears an all red sweat suit, he doesn't have a beard but I think of Santa Claus every time I see him. He stands in the median of the main street out of our small town and waves to the hundreds of cars that pass within 10' of him. Obviously there is something wrong with him, I mean what kind of person stands in rain or cold in traffic and waves at strangers for no reason? Of course I wave back at him but after I pass I always start to wonder who he is and does his family know where he is? How could they let him embarrass himself like that?

The thing that bothers me the most is that he looks so damn happy. Not a care in the world, he doesn't care what people think, if they wave back or anything. It seems to me the people who should be unhappy, by my standards, seem to be the happiest. They struggle to pay basic bills, their cars breakdown all the time their personal relationships are always in turmoil but ask them how their weekend was and they will tell you they had a great time and they mean it. They shrug off their problems and enjoy.

Now contrast that with the people who have everything (again by my standards) and should be happy but are not. They worry about everything and if there is nothing wrong they worry about the future. Does being responsible cause us to be unhappy? Does having deep thoughts kill joy? Should I tell this happy waving man he has it all wrong and he needs to go do something constructive with his time or should I just smile and wave back and be happy for a second with him?

November 28, 2006

10 things I like about going to the gym

I've always enjoyed going to the gym. I find that most are about the same. Some people can't understand why I enjoy it so much so here are ten great reasons.

1. I get rid of all my stress between work and going home

2. I have met the best people in the world at the gym

3. People are all equal in a gym no one cares if you're a CEO or a ditch digger

4. You don't have to remember other peoples name

5. You can talk to anyone because everyone there has at least on thing in common, fitness

6. If you go enough you know everybody (think of Norm in Cheers)

7. I've never left the gym sorry I went

8. I can take pride in the way I look

9. My kids think I'm the strongest man in the world (I'm not but don't tell them)

10. My wife loves the results but won't say it so I don't get a big head

November 26, 2006

Muppet madness

October 10, 2006

Orlando - AP Reporter

In an ongoing feud between the Muppets and the Winni-The-Pooh cast Kermit The Frog made a startling revelation today.

"Yeah, I wrote, If I was Bigger" Kermit The Frog admitted. "But I was never near Piglets secret drawers!, NEVER...EVER!!!" he insisted.

November 24, 2006

Why do we blog?

Why do we feel the need to blog? Why take the time to put down thoughts that no one will care about? Is it because we think we're so damn smart that we think the rest of the world will think we're brilliant if they just hear us? Yeah, sure they will. Sure there may be some of that but is it because we just want to connect with other people? We want someone to care, notice or just acknowledge our presence. Isn't that what family and friends are for? Yet there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers reaching out to strangers for comfort.

Why don't we listen, I mean really listen to what our family and friends have to say? Why don't we take their advice if we respect and trust them? Why don't we pick up the phone and call them when we feel alone? I have a great family. I have wonderful friends. Why do I feel like they won't understand? Why do I feel that nobody will care? Why do we care what strangers think? Why do we blog? Why do I blog?

November 21, 2006

Kramer got kreamed

So the big news of the day is that Michael Richards made many racial slurs during his stand-up performance at a comedy club. What he did was disgusting and he apologized but it will take a long time for him to get past this and rightly so. In America you can say anything you want but there are consequences for unpopular actions. Think about the Dixie Chicks.

My first thought when I heard about this was that Richards was like a lot of the black comedians of the world. A lot of black comedians acts consist of putting down and making fun of white people. Nobody cares that this goes on, there is no outrage and the white people in the audience sit and take it and even laugh. White people seem to understand when someone is joking.

I thought how unfair that white comedians are held to a higher standard and they are. But after seeing the video of Richards comments this was something different. He lost it, I mean he went crazy. His remarks were meant to hurt and cause damage and I could never support or defend that. I could forgive him but I am not the one that it was directed at so it's not up to me. There is a difference between being funny and being hateful.

November 20, 2006

Am I a blog stalker?

From time to time I click on one of the blog links that spin on the blogger home page. Most of the time it's some artsy fartsy page and I close it. If it's interesting I might leave a comment, I mean that's what they're here for right? I never curse or call somebody stupid I keep it on topic and hopefully add some insight to the situation.

The problem is I want to know if the blogger liked my comments or had a comment back so I keep checking their blog. How many times a day can you check a strangers blog before you are considered weird? After I check it a few times my mind starts to wonder if they got the comment, did they delete it, did they fall in the bathroom and can't get up?

Some people have those little counters that keep up with how many people visit their blog. OMG! What if they can see my name when I check their blog? Raw Thoughts has checked your blog 27 times in 3 days. Is there such a thing? Is this normal behavior or am I a blog stalker?

November 19, 2006

Free Bird?

I was a Micky D's yesterday sitting outside when a few birds flew up to wait and see if we would drop any food. At first I thought how cool these birds have learned how to adapt and make the most of it. Then as my meal went on I kind of got mad. I mean I wanted to eat all my food but what about the birds. They could go and hunt worms like other birds but no they were taking the easy way out. Then I thought how stupid. They could have gathered worms or berries at their own pace but now they had to count on me to provide for them. Their wasn't anything wrong with them they were just lazy.

At the end of our meal my wife took some of her bread and fed them. Now I'm wondering who's the smart bird? The hard working worm getter or the free loading squatter?

November 17, 2006

Pay To Eat Less?

I just saw an ad for Nutri System. Let me get this straight, you pay them to eat less food? I want to repeat this because this is insane. YOU PAY THEM TO EAT LESS FOOD. You pay more and get less. Why in the hell would it cost more to eat less? Couldn't you just let's say ah, eat less and don't pay them?
I want to lose weight.
Eat less, exercise more.
Oh I don't have time to exercise.
Well, you find time to eat three times a day so skip one meal and exercise.
That won't work
Try eating less food
I couldn't do that on my own, I wouldn't know how
Is there someone I could pay to help me eat less
You're an idiot. No, you're a big fat idiot.

November 16, 2006

Ten years ago I had a 60s room that looked like this

Here are a few pictures of a cool room we use to hang out in with our friends ten years ago. It had four different color walls, green shag carpet, beads for a door and bean bags for chairs. It looked very cool in black light. I don't have many pictures but I have some video. I may post it. By the way I do not play the guitar, at all. It just went with the room.

Thanks A Lot Weatherman

So I'm sitting in my house last night watching a good flick on the tube without a care in the world and the local news cuts into my show. First thing I thought was that they didn't wait for a damn commercial no they did it in the middle of the show. Why did they cut in you ask? To let me know for the next four hours we are under a tornado watch. WTF? What am I suppose to do with this great piece of information? I live on the coast. We do not have basements, any type of shelter or bunkers or whatever it is that protects you from a tornado. The best we can do is duck and cover, yeah that will work.

Of course the wind starts blowing and I'm going from window to window to see what I can see which is just rain. I stay up to almost 3:00 am because that's when the stupid weatherman said it would be over. Why didn't he just let me go to sleep thinking all was well? Now I have to work all day like a zombie. Thanks a lot WEATHERMAN!

November 15, 2006

Taking off the gloves

Okay, I've had a few blogs and they have all been boring. As a rule I'm a nice person and go out of my way to be nice to people. You know, not hurt feelings but inside I'm tearing this world apart. I'm the type person who has a thought pop into his head every time I hear or see something. Usually it's a smart ass comment or some insane thought. Most of the time I keep these thoughts to myself and when I do dare utter them I am quickly sorry I did.

This blog will be about anything and I do mean anything I want to say. If it offends you tuff shit because here I don't care. I'm doing this one for me and if it amuses me then mission accomplished.

Here I will not be nice, I will not care and I will not hold back. Here I have turned off that switch that stops the thoughts from getting to my mouth (fingers).

I am not an English major nor am I being paid for this crap, although it would be nice, so punctuation, spelling and sentence structure means nothing. Even if all that were perfect I doubt many will understand or get this so does it really matter?