November 16, 2006

Thanks A Lot Weatherman

So I'm sitting in my house last night watching a good flick on the tube without a care in the world and the local news cuts into my show. First thing I thought was that they didn't wait for a damn commercial no they did it in the middle of the show. Why did they cut in you ask? To let me know for the next four hours we are under a tornado watch. WTF? What am I suppose to do with this great piece of information? I live on the coast. We do not have basements, any type of shelter or bunkers or whatever it is that protects you from a tornado. The best we can do is duck and cover, yeah that will work.

Of course the wind starts blowing and I'm going from window to window to see what I can see which is just rain. I stay up to almost 3:00 am because that's when the stupid weatherman said it would be over. Why didn't he just let me go to sleep thinking all was well? Now I have to work all day like a zombie. Thanks a lot WEATHERMAN!


Jen said...

I'm actually better at answering questions then I am at telling stories. Maybe you should just quiz me. You can get my story a little at a time. *nod*
I created another blog just for all my secrets and I can leave you the URL but you'll have to delete it or else it won't be much of a secret. Ha ha. Let me know when your ready for it...
Umm and I put the comment all the way down here because I thought people would be less likely to read it. I feel like secret agent man right now. Well, except for the whole man part.

David said...

Go ahead and send it to me I'll take care of it. Question, I just read your blog and it says you don't have internet, huh?

Jen said...
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