November 24, 2006

Why do we blog?

Why do we feel the need to blog? Why take the time to put down thoughts that no one will care about? Is it because we think we're so damn smart that we think the rest of the world will think we're brilliant if they just hear us? Yeah, sure they will. Sure there may be some of that but is it because we just want to connect with other people? We want someone to care, notice or just acknowledge our presence. Isn't that what family and friends are for? Yet there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers reaching out to strangers for comfort.

Why don't we listen, I mean really listen to what our family and friends have to say? Why don't we take their advice if we respect and trust them? Why don't we pick up the phone and call them when we feel alone? I have a great family. I have wonderful friends. Why do I feel like they won't understand? Why do I feel that nobody will care? Why do we care what strangers think? Why do we blog? Why do I blog?


Jen said...

I have an awesome support system within my family and friends but I don't pick up the phone and talk to them when I should because I'm overcome with guilt. I feel like they've already heard it all from me. So I keep it to myself, or make a blog that I just go back and delete so no one will worry about me. And I wait. At some point things have to turn around, or I'll get better at hiding it. Or someone will make a comment that turns me in a different direction.
For me, sometimes making the blog just gives the world a chance to reach out and touch me, and some times I need that to keep going...
By the way, thank you.

David said...

your welcome :) you just don't know how many times I have wanted to unload my problems on someones blog just because they didn't know me and I could be honest. Then I think why would they care and why would I care if they did? Then I don't post anything personal at all. I think to much.

Jen said...

You do think too much. I say unload and run!!

David said...

I have a question about your blog. I read some of it and realized it may be a place that your family reads as well is this true? If it is I hope I didn't write anything you didn't want them to see about your deleted blog.

This blog I have is for me and nobody that knows me knows about it so I write anything I want.

Jen said...

Yes, it's a blog where my family reads it. My brother strong-armed me into it. :) But you didn't write anything that I didn't want them to read. I deleted it more because I didn't want anyone to worry... Other then that they all know I'm depressed. Ha. I've been out of work for months.. No chance of sunshine today.

Jen said...

Although I think it's cool that you have a just-for-you page.
I've been thinking about running two blogs, but there isn't much I don't tell my family. I try to put disclaimers at the beginning incase it's something they don't want to read. ;)

David said...

I have a family blog that people can go and keep up with the family but I never post any personal thoughts there. I'm sure some of my thoughts will piss someone off one day and I'd rather not have them trash me on my family page. It also has pictures of the family, where I live and stuff so I don't want to mix the two.

Is your depression caused by a specific event or is it something that came on gradually? I know very little about depression but some of it can be treated by medication as I'm sure you know. Have you been to a therapist? Do you think you are a bad person, evil person or just a good person that a bad thing happened to?

Jen said...

I like the idea of having two blogs. It's a great thing to be able to keep your family away from possible trouble. :)

As for the depression I know it can be treated but the doctor's don't want to be me on anymore medicine these days. Six months ago I came down with a strange illness that no one can diagnois let alone treat. I had a job I really liked, but now it's gone, and we're sinking in financial turmoil. My poor husband and son are going down with the ship, so to speak.
I think I'm a good person who use to be an angry little girl, and now I have an amazing family. But sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes my ability to cope flies out the window and I wonder how the hell normal people are expected to make it. I think I'm probably pretty damn typical of people that are broke and sick. And tired.
Very tired.

David said...

Have you tried setting small goals then trying to achieve them? I mean set goals that can be reached then focus on them. Sometimes just achieving something small makes us feel good. Then you can build on it. Changing your routine can help as well. today I will clean the fridge. Today I will exercise. Today I will ... but make sure you do it because failure sucks.

I know depression is not a choice but don't embrace it. Don't welcome it in and don't befriend it. Treat it like the enemy and fight back. When I have time I will tell you my sad tale and how I almost convinced myself that I was the victim when I was really the cause.

Jen said...

The dishes are my small goal. I do them after I get the kid off to school, then again after lunch, I clean them while I'm making dinner. Dish by dish. And then again after we eat. Before we head to bed I check the sink and make sure they're all done. Big pain in the ass, but my kitchen is rockin'.
I'll be waiting for the sad tale. It's either gonna be short to fit in the comment box, or your gonna have to email it to me.

David said...

I can just post it to this blog. I'll leave a comment on your blog when it's done.

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

well.. it's like I thought!